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Sciatica in pregnancy

by cheree ,
Sciatica in pregnancy

Sciatica in pregnancy manifests itself through pain that spreads towards the bum and leg area

Check with your GP to make sure that your pregnancy is the only cause of your sciatica.

Massages can be beneficial in treating sciatica in pregnancy. They won't get rid of sciatica but they will relax your muscles.

Your GP might prescribe some sessions with a physiotherapist and give further advice on how to get relief at home.

Exercises are also recommended to prevent or relieve back pain problems, Here are some exercises to get you started:

Exercises to relieve sciatica in pregnancy

Sciatique grossesse
Sciatique grossesse
See album

Practical advice to ease pain caused by sciatica in pregnancy

- Don't arch your back too much: avoid sticking your belly out or hollowing your back.
- When you're cooking or doing the dishes, make sure that the worktop is at a convenient height. If necessary, use a step stool.

Also in Parenting:
Pregnancy massage and aromatherapy
Exercise and pregnancy
Travelling during pregnancy

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