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25 Reasons You're Feeling Tired All The Time

by Teddi Ginsberg ,
25 Reasons You're Feeling Tired All The Time© Pinterest

Sick of feeling so sluggish and sleepy all the time you're almost dropping off at your desk, but not sure what to do about it? We all love our beds, but life has a way of throwing us curveballs that can seriously effect the quality time we get with our pillows. Luckily we're here to help you figure out why you're so damn tired all the time, and how to break the habit now

1. You're not sleeping enough

Hello, Captain Obvious! If you've been getting seven hours of sleep a night for a while and still feel tired, well guess what? You may need eight! Everyone has individual needs when it comes to the perfect number of Zzz's. Try going to bed an hour earlier for a week and see how you feel.

2. You're sleeping, but it's not quality sleep

If you read the first item and thought to yourself, But I do sleep! Ask yourself this: are you getting quality sleep? If you're waking up every hour on the hour, the answer is no. The number of hours you spend in bed is not always equal to the quality of your sleep.

3. You have low iron levels

Low iron levels cause fatigue. This is even more likely if you don't eat meat or dairy, which are high in iron. It's the number one nutritional deficiency in the world, so don't be surprised if you're lacking! Ask your doc for a blood test - you might need to take supplements.

4. You're dehydrated

Dehydration can make you feel all kinds of lousy. Make sure you're drinking enough water to help your body function better. When you're lacking in H2O, your heart has to pump that much harder to carry blood around your body, leaving you feeling tired. If you're not a fan of drinking water, try a sparkling, fruit-spiked, or coconut version instead.

5. You're stressed

If you have a lot going on whether it be work stress or relationship related, chances are you're taking those worries into bed with you at night. Try keeping a journal by your bed so you can write worries down and literally put them aside.

6. You're drinking too much

One glass of wine may put you to sleep, sure. But five? Too much alcohol will mess with your system and screw up your sleep cycle.

Sleep specialist, Dr John Shneerson says, "As the alcohol starts to wear off, your body can come out of deep sleep and back into REM sleep, which is much easier to wake from. That's why you often wake up after just a few hours sleep when you've been drinking."

Next time you pour that extra glass, ask yourself if you really need it.

7. You're not working out

Exercise gives us the boost of energy we need to get through the day and also helps us to rest better at night. Aim for 3 to 5 workouts per week or at the very least try and get moving more often during the day. If you're sat in front of a screen all day your brain will associate your immobility with sleep. Take a walk around the office, run an errand at lunch or try walking to work.

8. You're working out too much

While it's good to exercise, if you're feeling exhausted, you may be grinding it at the gym a bit too hard. Be kind to your body and take a few rest days.

9. You're not eating enough

Whether you're skipping meals to lose weight or haven't had much of an appetite lately, it's no wonder you're zonked! Food gives us the energy we need to go about our day. Make sure you're eating, please!

10. You're not fueling yourself properly

If you are eating, but still feel tired, look at your meals. Are you getting protein, fibre, carbs, and healthy fats? If not, you may want to cut out some of the junk and make sure you're fueling properly with whole foods. It's tempting to use sugary treats to get an energy high, but they'll leave you crashing soon after.

11. You have a wacky thyroid

Over-active and under-active thyroids can cause fatigue. Have your doctor take a blood test to see what yours is up to.

12. You're depressed

​Depression can cause insomnia. A psychiatrist or medical doctor can recommend methods - or prescribe medication - to help you sleep.

13. You're overworked

Are you spending too much time at the office? Ask your boss what you need to prioritize and set yourself deadlines that are achievable. Starting a new business and you're the boss? It's easy to work overtime since you have no "set" hours. Make a schedule and stick to it, having a definitive time to shut down each night so that you're not working into bedtime.

14. You can't say no

​Do you overcommit? Stop it! Multitasking will tire you out, and it'll likely leave you without enough sleep, too. It's nice to help others, but don't forget to take some time for yourself. Saying "No" feels good, try it for yourself.

15. You surf at night

Not in the ocean, silly! On the web. Exposing your peepers to bright lights so closely means you'll have trouble falling asleep, which means you'll be tired the next day. This becomes a vicious cycle. Shut down all electronics an hour before your desired bedtime. It's not easy to do, but it's worth it.

16. You have Coeliac disease

If you have a gluten intolerance but don't know it, you could be experiencing fatigue from ingested gluten. If you've been having stomachaches too, this is definitely something to look into.

17. You're diabetic

If you're feeling exhausted all the time it could be worth looking into whether you have diabetes.

18. You're going through a tough time

​It may not feel exactly like stress or depression, but if a major event has transpired in your life - like divorce or a bereavement - your mind is probably (and understandably) in overdrive. Consider talking to a professional who can help you work through your issues and help you find ways to sleep better.

19. You're taking too much medication

Whether they're prescription or over-the-counter, too many meds can mess with your sleep. See if you can peel back on any of them.

20. You're taking the wrong medication

If you were recently prescribed a new medication and suddenly feel tired all the time, you may be experiencing fatigue side effects. Talk to your doc and see if you can try a lower dosage or switch to something else.

21. You're not getting enough fresh air

If you spend most of your day indoors, and only head outside to get your car, you may have a vitamin D deficiency. Try to take a walk at lunchtime every day. Bonus: this will provide you with a boost of energy to get you through the afternoon.

22. You have a vitamin B12 deficiency

B12 is an energy-boosting nutrient. It helps your body to create red blood cells and is also responsible for helping your neurons function. If you're running low on B12 you can expect to feel a bit like a zombie. Make sure you have enough of it by asking your doctor.

23. You have sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a common disorder whereby you have interrupted breathing during sleep. If you think you may be suffering from this, visit a sleep specialist. They can conduct a sleep study, which isn't quite as fun as it sounds, but can be worth it in the long run.

24. You have kids

​If you have kids, especially young ones, it's totally understandable that you're tired all the time. Unfortunately there's no quick fix for this one, but always try to sleep when they're sleeping - whether it's a nap or at night.

25. You're pregnant

We're only half-kidding! When you're carrying another person around all day, it's only natural that you'd be tired all the time. And it doesn't let up much once you've given birth either, see point 24.

What are your tricks for keeping high-energy during the day ​- and falling asleep fast at night? Tweet us @sofeminineUK!

Teddi Ginsberg