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10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Committing To Cosmetic Surgery

by Tolani Shoneye ,
10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Committing To Cosmetic Surgery© weheartit.com @7JJ7

Going under the knife is a pretty big deal, not only is it going to cost you a bomb, it's going to alter your body in a big way. So if you're deliberating a nip and tuck or a cheeky lift, here are 10 things you need to consider.

  1. · Absolute certainty.
  2. · Exactly why you are having the surgery.
  3. · What results do you want.
  4. · All the possible outcomes.
  5. · Choose the right surgeon.
  6. · Are you suitable for surgery?
  7. · Risks
  8. · Price
  9. · After effects
  10. · All things considered, are you sure?

With any big decision you need to make sure you are clued up, and the same goes for cosmetic surgery. So we have put together 10 crucial areas you will need to cover before you can make any informed decision about having cosmetic surgery.

1. Absolute certainty.

Yes we would all like the 'perfect' body, but are you absolutely sure this is what you want. As we said before, cosmetic surgery is a big deal, and can be very invasive, and painful. It's not something you should commit to half heartily. If you are going to do it, be sure that it's what hat you want, not just what you want momentarily, but something you want forever.

2. Exactly why you are having the surgery.

A reputable surgeon will ask about the motivations behind why you want surgery, and you will need to be able to answer, honestly. You will need to consider exactly why you feel surgery is the best option for you. Will you be able to cope with the physical and emotional changes that comes with surgery. Are you doing this for yourself and your body and not for a partner. Before you book an appointment write a list of reasons that explain why you want surgery.

3. What results do you want.

A rough idea won't do, you need to know exactly what you want to look like post surgery. Be as clear and precise as you can. You need to be confident that the surgeon completely understands what you want and need, so they can give advice on whether this is possible for you. Take pictures, drawings anything you think will help illustrate your goals.

4. All the possible outcomes.

We can't emphasis this enough...RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH! Find out all the possible outcomes of your chosen cosmetic surgery.The internet can be a scary place when it comes to cosmetic surgery, it's filled with horror stories, so don't depend on it alone. Speak to friends that have had surgery before, have a word with your GP, read forums and speak to various providers on the phone.

Also consider what will happen if you don't like the results after the surgery. It may be that your body shape will continue changing, meaning it could take several months until you will see the realistic final result. Are you happy with this?

5. Choose the right surgeon.

They are many factors to consider when choosing a surgeon, they location, they experience, and how you feel around them.

You also need to be sure that this person is the real deal .Check registered bodies BAAPS, BAPRAS and GMC to make sure that they are indeed a qualified cosmetic surgeon and have no outstanding complaints against them. Ask if they do work for the NHS and what post they hold.

Also ask a surgeon for examples of their previous work and see before/after photos of previous patients. Be sure to check everything, this person is cutting your body up.

6. Are you suitable for surgery?

Have a chat with your GP to make sure you’re suitable to have cosmetic surgery and you don’t have a medical condition or medication that could affect the outcome of surgery. You need to make sure that you are generally in good health and you have a good medical history, otherwise you could be refused surgery.

7. Risks

Every surgery has risks, which could increase or decrease in likelihood depending on your individual health. Infection is a risk for every surgery.Ask your surgeon to clearly explain the risks and complications for your surgery, and what they could mean for you.

Be sure to know all the possible risks, and only commit to surgery if you are willing to cope with the worst case scenario.

8. Price

Surgery is not cheap! Can you really afford it? On average a breast augmentation can cost you £4,600 while a tummy tuck can cost £5,700. It's important to know that the price can change depending on a multiple of factors such as your medical condition and the complexity of the surgery.

Ask what’s included in the price, does it include anaesthetic or any other drugs you might need? Would it cover complications? Be sure to consider all of this, when thinking about the cost of your surgery.

9. After effects

Recovering from surgery can take some time. Depending on your surgery, you will probably feel stiff or in pain for a few weeks, and possibly not able to carry on with your normal life. You will need to take time off work, and have someone to care for you during your recovery time.

Can this be sorted?

10. All things considered, are you sure?

Once you have really thought about all these point, and have seen your surgeon for at least one consultation take some cooling off time to really be sure you are ready for surgery. Give it at least two weeks to make sure you’re happy with going ahead with the surgery. Make sure you don't feel any pressure and are 100% certain with your choice.

Are you thinking about surgery? Tweet us @SofeminineUK

This article was written by Tolani Shoneye. Tweet her @tolly_t

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