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Research Says Having A Hot Bath Could Burn As Many Calories As A Run

by Pascale Day ,
Research Says Having A Hot Bath Could Burn As Many Calories As A Run

And today in reasons why we should never exercise ever again: researchers have said that having a bath might be just as effective on your health as going to a run. So get that water running, get your best bath bomb out, and let's continue this discussion from the comfort of the tub, shall we?

Yes, the news we've been waiting for literally all our lives is finally here, confirmed what we all hoped would be true: baths are considered to have similar health benefits to going for a run and hey - who are we to dispute that? It's science, and science is always right. So let's all just sell our fancy running trainers and pack in our gym memberships and use all that money to buy a deluge of Lush bath bombs and tea candles instead.


Dr Steve Faulkner, a researcher at Loughborough University and our new hero, says that taking a bath may have similar benefits to a person as exercising, helping to prevent type 2 diabetes. Dr Faulkner explained to The Conversation that he and his team of literal angels looked into the effect that a hot bath has on blood sugar and the number of calories burned. The study had its 14 participants each take an hour-long soak in the tub with water that was exactly 40 degrees, or an hour's cycle.

They then measured how many calories the participants burned in each session as well as measuring their blood sugar for 24 hours. Cycling resulted in more calories burned (boooo), but a hot bath resulted in as many calories burnt as a brisk half-hour walk - about 140 calories. The blood sugar results were similar, but Dr Faulkner says that "peak blood sugar after eating was about 10% lower when participants took a hot bath compared with when they exercised" (yaaaay).

I think that's all the scientific proof we need. If anyone needs us we'll be in the tub making bubble bath beards.

What do you think about this new research? Enough to make you quit the gym? Let us know! @sofeminineUK

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