Emma Goddard

All articles by: Emma Goddard

Crush Your Cravings! 6 Foods That Keep You Fuller For Longer

So it happened: You just ate a full meal and suddenly you're hungry again. As frustrating as it can be, it's not the end of the world. Luckily, there are many foods out there...

Why Your Butt & Your Self-Esteem Need to Meet YouTuber Cassey Ho

Beads of sweat are running down my face as I begin a set of single-leg bridges on the floor or my flat. One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful" is playing in the background...

17 of the Most Amazing Things About Being a Woman

#Sorrynotsorry to all you gents out there, but being a female is kick-ass. There's really no debating it. We're mothers, leaders, CEOs, sisters, soldiers, caretakers, daughters...

Forget About Frumpy: 25 Mums To Follow For Maternity Style Inspiration

When you think pregnancy, you might picture swollen ankles, complete and utter fatigue, and a huge belly. So it's no surprise that many women just want to pull on some joggers...

30 Cute Ideas for a Unisex Nursery

For many couples, designing the nursery for a newborn is stressful. I mean... I'm pretty positive that paint chip samples are a sensitive subject for parents everywhere, and that's...

Why Staying Up Late Can Be Toxic For Your Health

Every morning, I wake up wanting to curl up in the cocoon I made for myself with my duvet and go straight back to sleep. I snooze my alarm at least three times and chug down several...

What Is Trichotillomania? When Your Hair Obsession Gets Out of Hand

Last night around 11pm I hung up the phone after a chat with my boyfriend and told myself to get ready for bed. About 15 minutes later I realised not only had I not moved from...

The 14 Funniest Lies Parents Have Told Their Children

Children often ask the craziest questions that we don't always have the answers to. So it goes without saying that for those tricky ones, many parents fabricate their stories...

13 Things Asian Girls Are Tired of Hearing

As an Asian woman, I've heard some pretty ridiculous comments about my ethnicity. For some reason people love jokes about Asians, especially Asian women. Sure, I'll admit that...

Why Children Wet the Bed & How You Can Deal With It As a New Parent

For a first-time parent, the feeling of complete unpreparedness is pretty standard. Checking for monsters under the bed and hoping to God something actually isn't there? Learning...

Getting Back To Nature: Everything You Need to Know About Rewilding

Rewilding, the latest craze heating up the health and fitness world, is all about living a feral lifestyle and bringing you back into sync with nature and animals, supposed to...

7 Quick and Easy Ways To Get Rid Of Cellulite For Good

As you look into the mirror you might notice something on the back of your legs that's lumpy and dimpled, almost like the consistency of cottage cheese. To your horror, you realise...

9 Indoor Activities to Do With Your Children on a Snow Day

When you're young, snow days are the best. But once you're working a full-time job, which requires a full-on blizzard for a snow day, or you're a stay-at-home mum, when your kids...

10 Reactions People Have When You Tell Them You're Preggo

Remember how all your friends acted when you told them you were engaged? Well that's probably how they'll react to your pregnancy news as well. With a baby on the way, they'll...

8 Real Life Struggles Every Woman Has During Pregnancy

There's no doubt that those nine months of pregnancy are completely worth it when you're suddenly face-to-face with your baby, but that doesn't mean that being pregnant is all...

10 Instagram Accounts to Follow for #Squatspiration

From Jennifer Lopez to Nicki Minaj, beautiful bottoms and toned thighs are everywhere. Though we know beautiful women come in all shapes and sizes, with fitness junkies all over...

Mood Swings Every Mum-to-Be Will Have During Pregnancy

One day, you're sitting at the office going about your work and everything is fine. The next you're sitting under a pile of tissues bawling over a video you just watched of a...

Why I've Never Enjoyed Making Out

For as long as I can remember, I've always disliked making out. Ever since middle school and my first real "french" I've found it to be pretty meh, no matter who it's been with...

7 Reasons Why You'll Definitely Be a Cool Mum

And as someone who's always been especially tight with her mother, I've also gone through my entire life experiencing exactly what it means to be a "cool mum." So if you've ever...

These Parents Had *The* Most Creative Pregnancy Annoucement Ideas We've Ever Seen

When word spread that Beyonce might be pregnant, naturally, everyone freaked out. However, it didn't take long until the Instagram photo in question, which revealed the singer...