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16 Things All Fans Waiting For Sherlock Know To Be True

by Emmy Griffiths ,
16 Things All Fans Waiting For Sherlock Know To Be True

Steven Moffat recently revealed that Sherlock series four is to begin filming in spring 2016. Since we’ve already waited over a year for a new episode with Benedict Cumberbatch wearing a deerstalker, we’re pretty furious we are going to have to wait over another year for a new episode. Here’s everything fans waiting for the new episode of Sherlock know to be true…

The moment season 3 was over, you wanted season 4

It seemed to go by so quickly

Three episodes just isn’t enough

ESPECIALLY when you leave it on a cliffhanger

And when we know that in the last couple of minutes of season 3 Sherlock STRAIGHT UP MURDERED SOMEONE


So the wait begins

For Tumblr, it’s a chance to get creative

For everyone else, it’s a chance to simply miss the beautiful relationship that is Sherlock and John Watson

Time seems to pass so slowly

Sherlock seems to get in the way of everyday life

Benedict playing dragons and evil space villains doesn't quite fill the void

Nor does Martin Freeman playing an adorable little Hobbit

It doesn’t quite add up to how GREAT it is when they're together

And of course, we need Mrs Hudson back in our lives


And yet, you can't even begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. See you in 2016 guys!

So sorry folks! We wish it was back this year, but it won't be. We wish it was back next year, but they'll ONLY JUST FILMING IT BY THEN. At least we'll always have each other, right?! Tweet us @sofeminineUK

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