
Egyptian astrology
Egyptian astrology dates from 3000 years BC. The Egyptians were more interested in what seemed fixed than with the planets. …
Chinese astrological signs
Rat, ox, dragon, monkey, tiger, snake… Do you know your Chinese astrological sign and which of your character traits it …
Calculate your astral theme
The astral theme is the keystone of astrology. Unlike horoscopes, it tells us about a person's character, qualities, strengths and …
Chinese astrology
Chinese astrology is based on ideas from astronomy, religion and traditional calenders. It comprises 12 animals: the rat, ox, tiger, …
Do You Have Typical Aquarius Personality Traits?! Here's All You Need To Know
After the stodgy, delicious Quality Street-fused month of December comes January, the perfect time for the airy Aquarius! Were you …
Taurus personality traits and information
Taurus has a fixed character. As it continues to rise in the sky, the sun heats the Earth. So it …