All articles by: Tolani Shoneye
Actress Jessica Biel Launches Sex-Ed Video Series To Educate Women About Their Bodies

Quick question: how well do you know the female anatomy? Could you tell the difference between labium majus and the labium minus? It seems many women don't actually know their...
14 Recipes Every Coffee Lover Needs To Try

Coffee is life, coffee is BAE, coffee is everything that is good about the world, coffee is the only thing worth getting out of bed for. We know it sounds like we are being dramatic...
People Are Using The #InMySkinIWin Hashtag To Prove That All Skin Is Beautiful

In a generation where we are all so concerned about how we look, and forever trying to aim for perfection, (hello filters and photoshop!), it refreshing to have a movement that...
Video Shows How Clueless Men Really Are When It Comes To Pads And Tampons

In a video that is both hilarious and a little depressing, we watch four men attempt to explain the form and function of various feminine hygiene products. We're talking tampons...
Your Guide To Autumn/Winter Fashion Trends According To Fashion Bloggers

Autumn 2015 is upon us and although we'd rather live in denial and not think about the colder months, it's time to face reality, dust off our boots, chuck our Birkenstocks to...
Tattoo Artist Offers Free Body Art To Survivors Of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence scars emotionally and physically, and although getting rid of the emotional scars is a difficult journey, tattoo artist Flavia Carvelho is helping women deal...
Blogger Argues Fat People Deserve To Be Shamed. Internet Understandably Goes Mental

We're sure when Nicole Arbour made a video mocking fat people, she expected a bit of blacklash - but this? Bad move Nicole, just such a bad move. Vlogger and comedian Nicole Arbour...
How To Choose The Right Wedding Dress For Your Body Shape

Choosing a wedding dress is a pretty big deal, like huge! You want a dress that will make you feel beautiful, comfortable and looks stunning in pictures. But how do you go about...
Bacon Ice Cream? 16 Weird And Wonderful Ways To Eat Ice Cream

If there was ever a food that could be an edible reincarnation of your best friend - ice cream is it. It's seen us through our the high, highs of our childhood and just about...
Photographer Captures Powerful Images of His Girlfriend’s Labour

Giving birth is usually a private moment shared between only you and your partner but photographer Gustavo Gomes decided to break the boundary of what's acceptable during labour...
Eastenders Actress Encourages People To Share Their Stillborn Baby Stories With #SayTheirName

Every so often a soap storyline breaks our hearts, and Eastender's recent storyline is one of them. After learning that her unborn baby is died, Tuesday's episode showed Shabnam...
I Knew My Boyfriend Was Cheating But I Stayed With Him Anyway

We all know the rule: he cheats, you call it quits. Once a cheat, always a cheat and all that. But when it actually happens, how many women have the strength to leave? I for one...
50 Stunning Wedding Dress That Prove You Don't Have To Wear White

OK ladies it's time to ditch the idea that wedding dresses need to white and meringue, like seriously who sets these rules anyway. Many women are now opting for beautiful coloured...
Tried & Tested: The Best Nude Lipsticks For Dark Skin

Trying to find the perfect nude lipstick can be a real challenge for us dark skinned girls, kinda like trying to find flesh tone tights, or nude underwear, the struggle is real...
Watch This Super Talented Makeup Artist Transform Herself Into A Crazy Realistic Dog

It's crazy what you can do with a makeup kit, a couple of brushes and a truck load of creativity. Like us, we are sure you've seen a fair share of amazing before and afters.....
21 Epic Burgers Guaranteed To Give You A Heart Attack

What's better than a burger, seriously? Go on, I'll wait. The mix of good meat and a bun makes a dish that's worth every single calorie. And since today is National Burger day...
50 Of The Hottest Hairstyles For Men Whatever Your Style

Men's hair cuts have traditionally stayed pretty basic but hey, it's 2015 and rules have gone out the window when it comes to male hairstyles... Man buns are a thing now, and...
19 Awesome Foods You Need To Deep Fry Right This Second

It seems that nowadays you can pretty much deep fry anything that's edible...because of course you freaking can, it's 2015 dammit and if you want to dip an avocado into a pan...
How To Get Bigger Boobs Without Going Under The Knife

Going under the knife has long been the most reliable way to increase the size of your breasts but what if we told you that there is an alternative way to get bigger boobs, implant...
From Skincare To Hairstyles: The Essential Guide To Bridal Beauty

Every bride deserves to look her best on her wedding, it's just an unfortunate coincidence that looking your best can take a lot of prep. Those dark circles, frazzled hair and...