All articles by: Helen Turnbull
Ariana Grande's Style Evolution: From Broadway Teeny-bopper To Sex Symbol

She may only be young, but Ariana Grande has already spent 10 years in the celebrity spotlight. Starting out at the tender age of 13 on the Broadway stage in musical 13, she's...
High Street Fashion Brand Monki Is Launching Menstrual Cups 'Cos 'Periods Are Bloody Cool'

It's no secret periods are a monthly pain in the abdomen many women dread and not only do we have to live with painful cramps and generally feeling meh for a few days every month...
Size 12 Student Blasts H&M For 'Not Being Able To Breathe' In Size 16 Dress

The Great British High Street is renowned for its inability to agree on what exact measurements determine standard dress sizes, at times making us feel all kinds of sh*t about...
This Man Has Spent Seven Years Transforming Himself Into A 'Human Platypus'

In a world where body modification knows no bounds, it's humanly possible to transform yourself into whatever your spirit animal may be but we reckon Jenya Bolotov is the most...
Fidget Spinner Porn Is A Real-life Thing And We Don't Understand Why

2017 has seen the birth of many weird, wonderful and downright unnecessary inventions and trends but fidget spinner porn may just trump everything that's come before it. According...
Nokia 3310 Phones Make Great Vibrators, According To Women In India

Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? But how far are you prepared to go to get off? Women in India have proved themselves as a frugal lot as the humble Nokia 3310 i...
People Are Now Having Facials On Their Vaginas, Or Vagacials

Beauty ideals are officially out of control. So much so, people are starting to care for their genitals in the same way they do their faces. A daily shower apparently isn't enough...
The Ultimate Father's Day Gift Guide: What To Buy Every Type Of Dad

As much as we love them, dads are notoriously difficult to buy for, especially on the annual special occasion dedicated to his commitment as a father. This year, we know we can...
This Guy's Gross Blackhead Removal Hack Is Genius

If you've never had a blackhead in your life, have you really even been through puberty? The ugly, dark marks caused by clogged hair follicles are almost impossible to bust and...
Someone Is Sewing Vaginas On Beanie Babies And Our Childhood Memories Are Forever Ruined

Forgive me for ruining your Monday but we need to talk about the maniac that's had the 'genius' idea of 'sexing' up your favourite childhood toy - Beanie Babies. Cherished by...
Woman Shows The Reality Of Losing Nine Stone In Brave After Photos

Texas-born Jordaan Spark is an inspiration to us all. The mother has lost a whopping 130 pounds which has not only improved her overall health but she's happier than ever as evidenced...
ASOS Lists Size 10 Shorts As Large, Gets Rightfully Trolled

Just when you were thinking us women have enough body ideals to contend with, ASOS goes and pulls this sizing stunt. The vastly popular online fashion retailer has come under...
People Will Be Streaking Through London Zoo This Summer And You Can Too

Animal lovers and naturists rejoice: London is bringing the capital's biggest feline fans and nudists together in a one-off streaking session though its zoo this summer and you're...
Target Is Selling Sunhats That Look Suspiciously Like Nipples

Despite what the Great British weather forecast suggests, Summer officially starts on June 20 which gives you just over a month to sort your Instagram-worthy, season-appropriate...
Liam And Cheryl's Baby Son Bear's Middle Name Is Even More 'Unique' Than His First

Celebrity parents giving their children obscure names they have to live with for the rest of their lives is nothing new (Apple, North and Blue are just a few that pop into my head)...
This Woman's Tattoo Literally Fell Off And Left A Disgusting Scar

SPOILER: Contains grim images. As if the prospect of permanently scarring your skin with artificial ink wasn't terrifying enough, Pasuda Reaw comes along and recalls her horror...
Girls Are Going Clubbing Wearing Only Duct Tape And We Don't Know Where To Look

Just when you thought there was no trumping Kylie Jenner's most risqué night-out outfit, the Black Tape Project struts its way into our lives and we don't quite know what to make...
Unicorn Spit Lube Is Proof Our Obsession With The Mythical Creature Has Gone Too Far

If you got the horn over those 'magical' unicorn dildos that came to our attention earlier this year, you're going to freak the hell out over the mythical creature's latest offering...
This Bridezilla Is Forcing Her Bridesmaids To Lose Weight For Her Wedding

It's no secret many brides shed before they wed in the hope of looking and feeling like their best selves on their big day and in the thousands of photos, snapped from all unflatt...
Do Tequila Plants Really Hold The Key To Strong Bones?

That Sunday-morning regret of having downed too many tequila slammers the night before is an all-too familiar feeling for some of us. But what if we told you that while the Mexican...