All articles by: Carla Cain Walther
Wednesday Wisdom From Ellen Degeneres: Her Best Quotes

Listen up! One of the most powerful women in entertainment is about to drop some wisdom! Ellen DeGeneres is the Daytime Talk Show Queen (Sorry, Tyra. You tried!). The widely popular...
10 Lessons in Self-confidence From Plus-size Models

Fatphobia is everywhere in the media, but we're not down with that. Having curves doesn’t mean you’re unhealthy and loving your body doesn’t mean you’re encouraging others to...
Can Children See Ghosts? What Parents Need To Know

An imaginary friend or a visitor from beyond the grave? You decide. When I watch the flick as an adult it gets me thinking about what kids are actually capable of seeing. Mums...
Wednesday Wisdom From Anna Wintour: Quotes and Lessons Every Woman Can Learn From

Listen up! One of the most powerful women in fashion is about to drop some serious wisdom. Since Fashion Month has come to an end, we think it's apt to launch our Wednesday Wisdom...
Vintage Parenting Advice That Today's Parents Will Love

Parenting advice from centuries past tends to support pretty authoritarian practices. Typically kids didn't have childhoods. Once they could do heavy lifting, sew a hem, or pluck...
10 Fashion 'Trends' Women Of Colour Rocked Before They Were Discovered By The Mainstream

According to, the era of the big booty has begun. Yeah, WUT? The ridicule women of color have historically experienced over the size of their derrieres was completely...
Would You Trust An App To Look After Your Baby?

The Sproutling baby monitor is an interesting new device that guarantees to make parenting a lot easier. It doesn't just alert you to your baby's cries - it actually predicts...
How To Be More Assertive At Work: 13 Hacks You Need To Know

Good things don't come to those who wait. Good things come to those who know what they want and work hard to get it. Everyone gets a little intimidated at work but if you want...
How Adult Acne Really Feels: Model Transforms Herself With Makeup To Find Out

Acne can have serious effects on a person's self-esteem. This experiment shows the world what acne sufferers might feel on a daily basis. Like petty drama and ugly uniforms, acne...
The Embarrassing Pregnancy Problems No One Talks About

Being pregnant ain't a walk in a park. In fact, it kind of sucks. Yes, there are some ladies who love their pregnancy. And then there are some who will NEVER let their kids forget...
These Chest Hair Designs Totally Beat The #ChestHairBikini!

London-based stylist, Daniel Johnson, took the chest hair bikini selfie trend to a whole other level. He trims notable destination sites into his clients' chest hair. Now you...
How To Predict Your Baby's Gender According To Old Wives' Tales

Before sonograms we resorted to strange and slightly absurd methods to find out the gender of a baby. Mixing pee with baking soda, placing necklaces over your heart, and analysing...
20 Times Mum Logic Didn't Make ANY Sense

Will we ever understand the forces that drive our mums to do bizarre, unfair and maddening things!? Probably not. Mums everywhere have been frustrating their kids to no end with...
Advice For New Parents: Things Every Parent Needs To Know About Newborns

Yay! You're going to have a baby - an adorable, life-changing bundle of joy! However, as delicate and amazing as infants can be, weird stuff is going to happen during the first...
These Japanese Porn Stars Are Offering Up Their Boobs For AIDS Research

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has taught us that people will do ridiculous things in the name of charity, so why not squeeze a willing porn star's boobs in the name of AIDS research...
#MiniMeYoga: Parents Are Challenging Their Kids To Become Yoga Masters

Parents on Instagram and Facebook are turning their little ones into mini yogis! Check out these adorable and amazing photos of kids trying out basic and challenging yoga poses...
New Baby Checklist: The Newborn Essentials Guide That's Budget-Friendly

Alright, mumma - you've read all the baby books, your due date is nearing, and we're sure you're panicking a little bit. The best way to ease your anxiety is to be as prepared...
Why Do Kids Cut Themselves? Understanding Self-Harm In Children

Self-harm, or purposefully cutting, pulling hair, burning, and bruising one's body, can begin as early as 7 years old. It's difficult to fathom that your child could be deliberating...
Snoop Dogg, Jay Z, Drake?! This Woman Uses Make-Up To Turn Herself Into Male Celebrities!

Never compete with this woman for Best Halloween Costume. You WILL lose. Magali Beauvue is an incredibly talented make-up artist who uses her face as a blank canvas to create...
Why Do Kids Bully? What Every Parent Needs To Know

Over the last fifteen years, school bullying has become a national concern. It’s gotten so bad that many bullied kids change schools once the teasing turns emotionally and physically...