Maria Bell

All articles by: Maria Bell

15 Life Lessons To Be Learned From Lucille Bluth

There's lots to be learned from Arrested Development; like is being in love with your cousin all that bad? Or what sound does a chicken really make? But no-one from the Bluth...

Running For Just 5 to 10 Minutes A Day Could Lengthen Life Expectancy

Calling all lazy people, we've got GREAT news for you. Findings from a study conducted by the University of Iowa suggest that running only 10 minutes a day is sufficient to lengthen...

17 Reasons Your Cat Is Better Than Your Boyfriend

Boys are great and all that but in all seriousness, what the hell do they have that cats don't? In fact, when you think about it why do we even have them in the first place? They...

Honour Based Violence: Why You Need To Remember #BritainsLostWomen

Choice: the one word that defines our generation is often the one we take the most for granted. But what happens when that choice is brutally taken away? Karma Nirvana and Cosmopo...

Pregnant Woman Refuses Photoshoot. Husband And Beer Belly Do It Instead

Yeah, yeah, we all know that 'pregnancy is beautiful' but getting your photo taken while you're tired, bloated and feeling like you're gonna spew isn't every pregnant gal's bag...

Beautiful Skin & A Healthy Heart: 7 Of The Best Omega-3 Benefits

If you suffer from fatigue, memory problems and mood swings, omega-3 could be the answer. Not only are the celebs lapping up so much of the stuff that it's a miracle there's some...

Is This The Best Way To End Food Waste?

Jamie Oliver had his own campaign on it and the EU have made it top priority, but just how much do YOU think about food waste? According to this video, 300 million tons of fruit...

The Six Best Wines For That Summer Holiday Feeling

Coming back from holiday is an anticlimax but happily for you, we have something that can make sure you’re living the holiday dream for weeks after you return. We’ve found six...

This Video Will Make You Rethink How You See Homelessness For Good

When most people look at that girl on the street, 9 times of out 10 they'll think a life of drugs or bad choices got her there. But just imagine you've been fired, or you're too...

The End Of FGM And Child Forced Marriage: What Every Woman Needs To Know About The Girl Summit

Sometimes events happen that are so awful they seem more like the plot of a twisted horror story than real life. For millions of girls facing the threat of FGM and forced child...

Are These The Most Amazing Street Art Pictures Of All Time?

Sometimes, it's just monotony (or the fact we're in a damn rush) that prevents us from appreciating the details of our everyday environment. But, imagine if what you thought was...

Watch: The Most Powerful Answers To What Women Really 'See In The Mirror'

Truth is, you don't get to see something like this very often. When John Legend released his video for 'You & I' (Nobody in the world) using 63 different women of varying race...

How To Make The Perfect Drink To See You Through Summer

We think it's high time Martini Rosato got the attention it deserves over here in the UK. At the sweeter end of the Martini vermouth range, Rosato is a great ingredient to mix...

Southern Comfort And Lemonade Just Got Better

Southern Comfort and lemonade is one of the most refreshing drinks for your summer BBQ. What's more, we've discovered the ultimate way to blend this beverage and trust us, you...

This Martini Bianco And Prosecco Cocktail Will Rock Your World

Any cocktail containing Prosecco is OK by us, but add in a little Martini Bianco Vermouth and it's just too good to be true. Think Prosecco, but with a extra refreshing summertime...

How To Make A BACARDÍ Mojito In 4 Easy Steps

Forget bikini bodies, BBQs and all other summertime 'essentials', the one thing you need to get DOWN this summer is knowing how to make an awesome mojito. Because really, what's...

The Ultimate Bombay Sapphire Gin And Tonic

What's the one thing that's better than sitting in the sun with a good gin and tonic? When that gin and tonic is made with Bombay Sapphire, that's what... So we've teamed up with...

Is This The Creepiest Product Ever? You Can Now Have Sex With An iPad Case

Fleshlight, well known friend of perverts across across the globe, have gone all millennial on us with their newest product, the Fleshlight Launchpad. Basically, it's an i-Pad...

How To Freeze Strawberries: 3 Smart Ways To Store Strawberries

Eating fresh strawberries is fine and all that but if you're anything like us, you buy in bulk with good intentions and within 3 days you've left them to rot... So to avoid wastage...

Disney Princesses Used In Powerful Rape Awareness Campaign

The fact that over 40% of sexually assaulted minors have been abused by a family member is not a statistic that sits comfortably with anyone. One artist, who was motivated after...