All articles by: Maria Bell
SPF Diet: 10 Foods To Protect Your Skin From The Sun

Did you know that slathering yourself in suncream isn't the only way to protect your skin from sun damage? Something we all tend to forget is that we can naturally boost our skin's...
Why You Should Go Nowhere Near A Waist Trainer

Great. Another thing you should add to the list of 'Things The Kardashians Do That You Should Never, Ever Try' (ahem sex tape, Kanye West... the list goes on). Khloe Kardashian...
17 Relationship Hang-ups You Need To Let Go Of

Unfortunately in this crazy old world there's a lot of pressure for your relationship to be 'perfect'. As a result, a lot of us end up scrutinising our relationships for the things...
This Is The Best Blow Job Tutorial You Will Ever Witness

Most people know the basics when it comes to blow jobs but what about when you want to spice things up? A quick Google will throw up all manner of suggestions which range from...
Pubes, Cum and Sweat: The Not-so-sexy Things About Sex

We’ve all got that one friend who seems to have the best sex of her life every time. You know, the one you want to punch in the face. We get that sex can be the best thing ever...
Guys, THIS Is What A Woman REALLY Means When She Says...

Women are pretty easy to understand right? Pfft nah. We admit it, a simple conversation with our boyfriends can turn into a total minefield for them if they're not careful. We'll...
16 Delicious (And Disgusting) Ways To Eat A Cadbury's Creme Egg

We're not gonna lie, Cadbury's Creme Eggs bring out a side in us that no-one wants to see. Whether we're making an unholy mess after dunking them into tea or shame spiralling...
How To Make THE Most Refreshing Cocktail For Summer

If like us, you can't face another pitcher of sickly sweet Pimms for 20 QUID (like reeally), then this is the drink to see you through the summer. Best thing about it? It's cheap...
25 Signs You're In A Dead End Relationship (and Need To End It Now)

We've all in been one of those relationships that's just a bit - how do we put this? Crap. Whether you've had your doubts from the beginning or things have taken a turn for the yawn...
Shocking Sexual Harassment In UK Government

You'd think (or at least hope) that in Westminster of all places, instances of sexual harassment just wouldn't fly. Well not according to a Channel 4 investigation into sexual...
Would You Have Sex With Paul Rudd? 7 Reasons You Really, Really Should

Lets not beat around the bush. Paul Rudd is a total effing babe. Like a fine wine, cheese, or any man with a good bone structure and a beard, getting older has done nothing but...
Quit The Excuses! 50 Motivational Fitness Quotes To Get Your Ass Up And Into Shape

We don't know how it's happened, but over the last six months we've become the kind of gals who can't resist a motivational quote. Especially fitness quotes. As we all know (a...
How Much Do You Really Care About Poverty? 'F*ck The Poor' Campaign Will Tell You...

It's a hard fact to face up to but although you might care about poverty, how much do you actually do to help those less fortunate than yourself? This video shows what happens...
Are Celebrity #Healthies The Best Instagram Motivation Ever? 15 Hardcore Workouts We Want To Try

We can't help but get sucked in by a picture of a super-fit celebrity working out. Yeah, it kind of makes you want to stuff your face full of Victoria Sponge in protest BUT once...
Could American Apparel Sink Any Lower? This Is Officially Their Perviest Campaign Yet

Slow clap to American Apparel. We didn't think it could happen, but they've out-perved themselves. As if we weren't all tired of their constant attempts to shock with their semi-p...
Cocktail Class: How To Make A Coffee Cocktail

What happens when two of the world's greatest vices, coffee and booze, are put together? Perfection, that's what. This coffee cocktail by Monica Berg, Bar Manager at Pollen Social...
Want To Stay Younger For Longer? Eat These 25 Healthy Foods For Anti-Ageing

If you're worrying about anti-ageing then we've got one message for you - PLEASE don't just fixate on your skin. The key to a healthy, young looking (and feeling) body is to nurture...
Is This The Most Extreme Workout Ever? 10 Things You Need To Know About Skinny Bitch Collective

We’re not spending all day on Millie Mackintosh’s Instagram or anything, but lately we can’t help but notice one man in particular popping up ALL THE TIME – Russell Bateman of...
Is This The Best Celeb Comeback Ever? See What Happens When Lorde Calls Out Photoshop Madness

We all know that our obsession with celebrity perfection (aka Photoshop) has gone way too far. But you still never expect stars to call it out. So when Lorde decided to stand...
Boost Metabolism, Fight Disease & Detox: The Health Benefits Behind These 14 Green Smoothie Ingredients

Green smoothies are healthy. We've all got that down. But what exactly should you put in them to make sure your body is getting the ultimate benefits? We talked to Michela Vagnini...