Maria Bell

All articles by: Maria Bell

Didn't win an Oscar? Get free vaginal rejuvenation instead

Didn't win an Oscar? Never mind eh? There's nothing like a vaginal rejuvenation treatment to cheer an actress up when she's down. Yep, somehow the Oscars are reportedly offering...

Barbie Goes From Bimbo To Business Woman - Hello Entrepreneur Barbie!

Say goodbye to those polka dot bikinis and blow out salons, this time Barbie's gone all businesswoman on us. It's time to say hello to Entrepreneur Barbie. Barbie's had a slightly...

Minister For Sports & EQUALITY Says Girls Should Take Up More Feminine Sports. Sigh.

Want to get more girls into sport? Health and Equalities Minister, Helen Grant says the answer lies in 'feminine' sports like cheerleading and Zumba. We can't even express how...

Why Boobs Equal Poverty And Other Sums That Don’t Make Sense

We all know that poverty is a big problem that urgently needs fixing. But when you see these facts, you're going to feel a whole new kind of activist anger. Out of the 1.4 billion...

Quicker Metabolism? Healthier Heart? Smoother Skin? 12 Surprising Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

There's a reason why coconut oil is everywhere right now. If you want healthy-looking skin, a great metabolism, and a healthy heart then coconut oil is the way to get all three...

Why Weight Training Is The Best Workout There Is

Weight lifting is one of the best ways to get healthy, strong, and body confident. Fact. So if you're sick and tired of people saying "won't weights make you bulky?" or "isn't...

Men Pay This Guy To Dump Their Girlfriends

Nobody in their right mind enjoys breaking up with someone (except when you're ditching Spencer Matthews). And most of us will do anything to delay having that awkward, heart-breaking...

Blowjob 101: Spit or Swallow?

Before we get into the nitty gritty here’s a spoiler alert – we’re going to be talking, in detail, about swallowing stuff you wouldn't want your parents knowing about. So if you...

10 of the best proposal videos ever: The engagement stories we want for ourselves!

People have been doing outlandish proposals since time began, but now with YouTube, we can all enjoy them. Sobbing into your screen as men declare their everlasting love? What's...

WATCH: What It Means To Be A Man...You'd Be Surprised

What do you think it means to be a man? All lad lols and football? Wrong. Although it’s undeniable that women have got a pretty raw deal, that's not to say that the fella's don't...

Dry January's over! Celebrate with this exclusive cocktail. Cheers!

Any mad-woman that tried #dryjanuary will know, cocktails really are one of the best things in the world. Thankfully our time sipping on coconut water and juice has finally come...

Why We Should All Be Lifting Weights With Our Vaginas

So this is kinda awkward subject but the latest idea to come straight from the States (where else!) is to lift weights with your vagina. We repeat, your vagina. This isn't just...

Ultimate squat workouts for a bootilicious bum

If you want a perky bum, there’s no faster way of getting it than doing squats and lately, people have become obsessed by squatting their way to a bangin’ behind. With the rise...

How To Fillet A Fish Like A Pro In 8 Easy Steps

Filleting a fish doesn’t look easy or particularly tempting but it’s one of those cooking skills that every budding chef needs to master. Once you know what you’re doing and have...

10 Sexy Gift Ideas For Valentine’s Day

Looking to replace chocolates and romance with cock rings and raunch? Then this is the gift guide for you. Yes, Valentine’s Day is supposed to be romantic but that doesn’t mean...

Vegan Diet: The Secret To Beyonce’s Dramatic Weight Loss

If there’s one thing we know as fact, it’s when Beyonce makes a statement we all bow down. So when she performed her new single at the 2014 Grammy Awards with hubby Jay-Z looking...

One girl explains sexual objectification in the best way possible. Now we’re angry.

It's a sickening fact but sexual objectification is everywhere. But it's got so bad that most of us don't even realise when it's happening. It's affecting our relationships, our...

Jen Selter: You might not know her face but you definitely will know her ass...

Sick of seeing pictures of celebs and fitness fanatics in their tiny pants? Well tough. As the new Queen of this slightly narcissistic trend - Jen Selter - has just received a...

The 10 best YouTube workout videos in the biz

If you can’t be bothered to hulk yourself down to the gym you don’t have to wave goodbye to your workout for that day. YouTube fitness videos are the way forward in the fitness...

Look Younger, Lose Weight & Relax: The 12 Surprising Health Benefits Of Green Tea

We’re guessing that if you’re reading this, you’ve heard about the ‘magical’ powers of green tea to transform your latte-ridden behind into a detoxified temple, right? Right....