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A practical guide to formula milk

If you can't or don't want to breastfeed, no need to panic! Feeding baby with the right infant formula milk will provide all the nutrition a child needs, and will get the father...

What's It Like To Have Sex After Pregnancy?

You hear a lot about sex to get pregnant and sex after pregnancy, but sex during pregnancy tends to be a bit of a mystery. This obvious oversight needs to be rectified. Often...

Baby's room

During pregnancy, the time comes when you start preparing for a new arrival in your home. Preparing baby’s room is essential. Here is what you need to think about to welcome baby...

High blood pressure in pregnancy

During pregnancy high blood pressure can pose a real danger to mother and child. Here are the reasons and consequences. Why is it dangerous?High blood pressure during pregnancy...

Trying to Conceive? Here's How to Maximise Your Chances of Having a Baby

Decided to try for a baby? You and your partner might need to make some healthy adjustments to your lifestyle and eating habits before you start trying to conceive. From nutritional...

Recruiting a nanny

If you hire a nanny, she (or he) will have the responsibility for your baby and contribute to his/her emotional wellbeing. Choosing the right person is important, so here’s some...

The baby blues

You wanted your baby so much and bloomed throughout your pregnancy, but as soon as you leave the maternity ward you get depressed, you start feeling guilty about not jumping for...

The umbilical cord

The umbilical cord is cut at birth. What purpose does it serve? When and how is it cut? Is it true that the father can do it? Here are the answers to your questions about the...


Is your baby producing liquid stools 3 times a day or more? Here's advice on how to handle diarrhoea before you panic and take your baby to the doctor. What is diarrhoea? Diarrhoea...

Breastfeeding equipment

Have you chosen to breastfeed? If you have then it's good to know that specialised equipment exists to make the process of breastfeeding easier. ClothesComfort is essential for...

Choosing nappies: reusable or disposable?

Should you go for disposable or re-usable nappies? Here's our guide to choosing which type of nappy to use. A baby's nappy needs changing on average 6 to 7 times a day until potting...

Bathing baby

Bath time is an important measure of hygiene for little ones but it’s also a time for bonding and making baby feel happy and confident in the water. What safety measures should...

Exercise and pregnancy

If you're an exercise junkie and you're expecting, you'll undoubtedly be asking yourself if you can still exercise during your pregnancy. This depends on the sport or exercise...

Being a step-mum

It’s not always easy getting on with your new partner’s children. Children may see a step-mother as a substitute mum, a good friend or a sworn enemy, depending on the situation...


Dyslexia is a learning disability which involves difficulty reading and interpreting written symbols. It affects around 8 to 10% of school-aged children, of which 90% are male...

A new arrival in the family

It’s not always easy for a youngster to become a big brother or sister and accept a new arrival into the family. From the announcement of the pregnancy to the arrival of the baby...

The Oedipus complex

The Oedipus complex was a term first used to describe a normal stage of emotional development in little boys, a series of impulses that, at around 2 to 3 years of age, drives...

Explaining divorce to your children

With high divorce rates today, the official end of a marriage can be trivialised, but it can still be very painful, and especially for children. Here's how to help them overcome...

​Time To Call The Midwife: The Ultimate Guide To Your All Your Antenatal Check-ups

It’s been a long time since women would go through pregnancy without a single medical check up, which seems kind of crazy now. These days, when you’re expecting a baby, it’s a...

The sixth month of pregnancy

When you’re six months pregnant, your baby measures about 22cm from head to tailbone, weighs 700g, and is considered viable, meaning he/she could theoretically survive outside...

How to tell children about death?

How do you tell your children about death? Parents often tend to avoid the subject to protect young children, but there comes a point at which you can't deny the truth. How do...

Inducing labour

There are many reasons why doctors induce labour: for medical reasons, because your pregnancy has come full term, or personal choice (you or your doctor think it best to induce)...


During your pregnancy your doctor may offer you an amniocentesis. What is it? Does it indicate abnormalities for the baby? Here's what you need to know. What is it?Amniocentesis...

Hyperactivity in children

Is your child a little monster, leaping all over the place, shouting, struggling to concentrate and learn to read? Your child could be hyperactive. It’s difficult for both the...

After the birth

When your baby is born, tests and examinations will be carried out on you and your baby to make sure all is well. Make the most of the first precious few days of motherhood to...

Baby's first month

Your baby will change enormously during the first month of life. Getting your little bundle of joy to sleep, feeding and changing will take over your life, and you'll be amazed...

Pocket money

Is pocket money a good idea? How much should you give your children? All parents ask themselves these questions... here's a quick guide. Should I give my children pocket money or not...


Homework is a source of drama and conflict between kids who don't want to do it and parents who don't know how to handle it... but it doesn't have to be a battle! Find the right...


If you're considering an abortion, here's our guide to getting help and finding out what options there are for you. If you have made the difficult decision to terminate your pregnancy...

Everything You Need To Know About Having An Ectopic Pregnancy

It's estimated around 1 in 90 pregnancies in the UK develop into ectopic pregnancies - that's approximately 10,700 a year. And whilst fatalities from ectopic pregnancies are rare...

Expecting twins

Two bundles of joy means more organisation! Here's everything you need to know about being pregnant with twins to help you prepare for the birth. When do you find out?Twin pregnancies...

Announcing your pregnancy

You’ve received the good news, you’ve told your friends and family, and now you have to inform your employer to make sure that your rights are protected. It’s entirely up to when...

Maternity leave

Expecting a baby? Then it’s important to know your maternity rights. They can be a little complicated so here are some basics to get you started. How long?52 weeks are available...

Gifted and talented children

Does your child seem particularly advanced for his/her age and understand everything very quickly? Your child could be gifted. We take a look at the signs and identification of...

Smoking and pregnancy

We all know that tobacco is a health risk to smokers, but what about the dangers for unborn babies? Read up on the harmful effects of smoking, plus advice to help you quit. Only...

Travelling while pregnant

Unless you have a high-risk pregnancy there's no reason why holidays are out of the question, but bear in mind the restrictions your condition imposes on your travels when you...

Ultrasound scans

Read up on how an ultrasound scan is performed and when you should have one. An ultrasound scan uses high frequency sound waves to create a screen image of your womb and surrounding...

A successful family Christmas

As the festive season approaches, our attention turns to spending time with the family and the joy, stress and unpleasant surprises it brings. Is there a secret formula to ensure...

How To Calculate Your Ovulation Date

Knowing your ovulation date increases your chances of falling pregnant. Here’s our guide to calculating it. The menstrual cycleA woman’s menstrual cycle has three phases, with...

The Second Month Of Pregnancy

You now know that you’re pregnant and have had all the necessary tests. Here's what to expect in the second month of pregnancy. Number 1 priority: book an appointment with your...

The Third Month Of Pregnancy

After the nausea and the vomiting, you’re now faced with ongoing change. Fortunately, the unpleasant little troubles of the first three months disappear gradually. Number 1 priority...

The fourth month of pregnancy

You're into the fourth month of your pregnancy. At this time, a lot of mums-to-be find that they’re getting bigger and rounder and it’s not unusual to hear them crying out: “Baby's...

The First Month Of Pregnancy

You have a few of the initial signs of pregnancy but you’re not starting to show yet. During this first month, a lot of changes will take place and you’ll need to pay attention...

Registering the birth of your baby

If baby's on the way, you need to know when, where and how to register the birth and get a certificate. Here are the basics you need to know. A legal requirementYou are legally...


A frequent phenomenon that affects 15 to 20% of women, a miscarriage is a painful experience. What are the signs and causes? Can it be avoided, and how do you bounce back after...

Breech birth

At birth, almost 95% of babies are positioned headfirst, which makes delivery easier. But for 2 to 3% of births, the baby is positioned feet first: this is known as a breech birth...

Your pregnancy kit for mother and baby

To ease yourself into motherhood, prepare everything you'll need for yourself and your baby a month before you're due to give birth. Plan in advance for the birthEquip yourself...

Pregnancy tests

The various types of pregnancy tests are reliable ways of finding out if you are pregnant if your period is a few days late, or even a few days before your period is due. What...