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Ways to induce labour: a practical guide to inducing labour

From sex and curry to a cervical sweep, there are a number of ways to induce labour. But which ones really work, what are the risks involved, and which - if any - should you consider...

Anger management for children

When you think about anger management for children, you probably visualise toddler tantrums, time outs and the naughty step. Unfortunately, anger issues aren’t restricted to the...

Sciatica in pregnancy

Sciatica in pregnancy manifests itself through pain that spreads towards the bum and leg area Check with your GP to make sure that your pregnancy is the only cause of your sciatica...

Sickness in pregnancy | Vomiting in pregnancy

Sickness and vomiting in pregnancy are two of the most frequent afflictions encountered during pregnancy. They occur in almost one in two pregnancies, and begin soon after you...

Tiredness, dizziness and pains in pregnancy

Excessive tiredness is common during the 1st trimester of pregnancy because of the hormonal changes, and the nausea and sickness which reduce your food intake. Tiredness in pregna...

Homeopathy in pregnancy

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine which aims to treat a paitents symptoms naturally with "remedies". It uses many animal, plant, mineral, and synthetic substances in these...

Yoga Birth

Pregnancy yoga and yoga birth involves yoga postures and breathing techniques to improve physical health and mental well-being. Yoga birth Pregnancy yoga aims to help women establish...

Hypnobirthing | Natal-hypnotherapy

Hypnobirthing techniques (i.e. Natal Hypnotherapy™, The Mongan Method, etc.) help women to prepare emotionally, physically and mentally for birth and aim to help them get...

Pregnancy massage and aromatherapy

Pregnancy massage can be used in the last few weeks of pregnancy to aid relaxation, and bring relief to tense muscles and aching backs. It should only be carried out by a qualified...

Herbal tea in pregnancy & herbalism

Herbalism relies on herbal or botanical remedies made from plants or plant extracts to treat ailments. Herbal tea in pregnancy is often used to provide safe nutrition and reduce...

Acupuncture and fertility | Acupuncture in pregnancy

Acupuncture involves inserting and manipulating needles superficially in the body. It's an alternative medicine that can help with pain relief, fertility and illness as well as...

Diet in pregnancy - third trimester

Good nutrition is essential throughout pregnancy and in the third trimester there is a window of opportunity when pregnant mums can prepare their body for giving birth, and also...

Osteopathy Pregnancy

Osteopathy is an alternative medicine which aims to treat the person as a whole, taking into account body, mind and spirit. It recognises the bodies ability to heal itself and...

Women with eating disorders delay pregnancy

A recent study has shown that women with a history of eating disorders may have delayed pregnancies Women with eating disorders delay pregnancy The study, which based its research...

Baby development week 14 | New baby blog

Baby development week 14 - 100 days old. Baby Passport Naly’s passport arrived this week, I was very excited, this means we can go abroad for holidays! We recently booked a big...

Epidurals: Essential epidural information

Some women find bearing the pain of childbirth an enriching experience, but many choose to have an epidural that provides pain relief to help the birth of their baby to go more...

Epidural side effects: What are the side effects?

Researching all your options before you give birth is essential to make you feel in control. Epidural side effects: What are the side effects? Although initially you may not want...

Everything You Need To Know About The Abortion Pill But Were Too Afraid To Ask

Women have had access to the abortion pill for over a decade but there’s still a lot of miscommunications and misconceptions when it comes to what it’s for and what it does. This...

41 weeks pregnant | New baby blog

41 weeks pregnant - How to induce labour naturally 15th January - 23rd January Sproglet, my new baby, was due on the 15th Jan. The day came, I was so excited, ready for it, hospital...

A difficult mother daughter relationship?

She's your mother, you're her daughter - your relationship should be simple. But the average mother daughter relationship is anything but! A difficult mother daughter relationship...

Review of Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom

Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom is an animated, pre-school adventure from the makers of Peppa Pig. The stories tell the adventures of Princess Holly and Ben the Elf, tiny...

Daily Mail shocker: fat women have sex too…

I saw this story in the Daily Mail today (I was looking for work reasons, not for pleasure), and just had to comment…. When I saw it, it was one of the lead stories on...

World’s first fertility app available on the iPhone

The world’s first human fertility app has launched in the UK to help would-be parents start a family quickly and without the huge expense of using fertility clinics. The...

Supermum Kim Clijsters nets Grand Slam victory

After taking a two-and-a-half year baby break, Belgian tennis ace Kim Clijsters has capped an incredible comeback to competitive tennis by winning her second US Open title. The...

Cervical stitching (cerclage)

Cervical stitching is a procedure for pregnant women who have a weak cervix. Find out what it involves. The cervix normally stays tightly closed throughout pregnancy. It changes...

Childcare arrangements

Choosing who will look after your child when you go back to work is a major decision. Here's our guide to the different childcare options. Choosing childcare arrangements Choosing...

Paternity leave

Who's entitled to paternity leave and when can it be taken? Here's our guide to the ins and outs of paternity leave. Who can take paternity leave? A man can take paternity leave if he...

Getting back in shape after pregnancy

Find out what you should be doing over the weeks following the birth of your baby to help you get back on form and in shape. Diet- A healthy diet is an essential part of your...

Pelvic floor exercises

Pelvic floor exercises restore the strength and elasticity of the pelvic floor. But what exactly is the pelvic floor, and why are the exercises necessary? What is the pelvic floor...

Post-pregnancy diet

If you aren't breastfeeding or have stopped doing so, you can start to diet fairly soon after giving birth, if you wish to, but take note of our advice. Losing weight after pregna...

Reflux in babies

Reflux is when the contents of the stomach come back up towards the mouth after feeding. Read about the complications of reflux and treatments for babies. RefluxReflux in babies...

Fever in babies

38°C, 39°C... your baby has a fever and you don’t know what else to do to offer him/her relief. How should you react? Should you consult a doctor straight away? Here is some advice...

Essential clothing for baby

Clothing is generally the first thing that mums-to-be buy when they’re pregnant. Who can resist those cute miniature-sized items of clothing! Here’s a summary of the essential...


An episiotomy is sometimes used during the delivery of a baby. What does it involve and what are the consequences? What is an episiotomy?During childbirth, an episiotomy is performed...

Morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy

If you’re expecting a baby, you’ll probably suffer from nausea at some point, just like around half of all pregnant women. Although unpredictable, it’s harmless to the fetus....

Baby's fourth month

Your baby is four months old. He has reached an important stage in his physical development. With his head now upright, he watches and pays attention to the world around him. Your...

Baby's third month

Your baby is three months old, he’s continually developing, and he likes listening to you and watching you. He starts to tell the difference between when it’s time to sleep and...

Giving birth

What happens during childbirth? Here's a summary... After nine months of pregnancy, the big moment is nigh...but what actually happens during childbirth? Dilation of the cervixAs...

The Fifth Month Of Pregnancy

You're into the fifth month of your pregnancy. During this month you will start to feel better and the mother-child bond will begin to materialise. The major event of the 5th...

Family secrets

History and literature are full of them and celebrities spread them in the press. What do family secrets hide? Is it a good idea to reveal the whole truth? Good and bad secrets So...

Going on holiday as a family

On paper, a big family holiday can seem like heaven, but it can also be a recipe for disaster if you're not used to living with the rest of the family. 1. Be realistic The perfect...

Can You Predict The Sex Of Your Baby? We Put These Theories To The Test

To keep the sex of your baby a mystery until the birth is one of the biggest exercises in self restraint known to man. It’s an impressive feat. Everything you buy has to be gender...

Analysing children's drawings

When children draw, they carefully choose their materials, crayons, colours, patterns, plus the size and position of what they want to draw. Children's drawings are unique and...


Stammering or stuttering is a complex problem that affects around 1% of the population and is characterised by the repetition of sounds, the lengthening of syllables and other...

Premature babies

A premature baby is born before the expected date, which means before 37-41 weeks. Here's our guide to premature births. Factors in premature birth There are factors which can...

Choosing a pushchair

You're spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a pushchair, with so many on the market. Pram or pushchair? Four or three wheeler? How long will it last your child? There are...

Ideas for baby meals

The more your baby grows, the more chance you have of trying out new flavours on them. Bearing in mind that during the first few months baby should eat only one new food at a time...


In the past there was an adult world and a child world, but today the boundaries between the two are more blurred. This confusion between adulthood and adolescence is adulescence...

Getting baby to sleep

It’s not easy to make sure your new baby settles and sleeps well, and it’s normal to ask yourself certain questions. Will your baby be able to sleep alone? Will he or she be warm...

10 fashion tips for pregnancy

Follow our 10 fashion tips to stay looking stylish throughout your pregnancy. 1. Avoid all synthetic materials, which are more likely to cause allergies. 2. Opt for soft, natural...

Maternal instinct

When you’re expecting your first child, it's easy to worry about not loving your baby enough, or not being a good mum. Many people believe that a mother should automatically know...

Multiple pregnancies

Finding out you're expecting more than one baby is a big surprise! After the initial shock come the questions: how will your pregnancy be different, and what will happen at the birth...

Car seats for babies and children

Babies and children require special protection in the car, but not just any old car seat. Here's our guide to the different types and advice on how to choose the right car seat...

The eighth month of pregnancy

You’re on the home straight! At this stage, baby is gradually preparing for his or her entry into the big wide world. The last trimester is full of events… Your baby’s developmentYour...

The seventh month of pregnancy

During the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus’s senses are awakened. While you’re in more and more need of rest, baby continues to develop. This is a time for parents-to-be...


Does your baby have a runny nose, a fever or cough, with noisy breathing? If yes, it could be bronchiolitis, a common illness in babies. In most cases it is not serious, but requires...

Potty training

Worried about potty training? Just remember that 8 out of 10 children take to it straight away. Here's our guide. When to start? The average age for a child to be toilet trained...

Baby's second month

Your baby is 2 months old and gradually opening up to and learning more about the big wide world. This month is a time for many key vaccinations during medical visits. Your baby...

Weaning baby

After breastfeeding comes the fateful stage of weaning. You need to get your baby used to taking formula, gradually. Sometimes this change can distress baby and cause you stress...

Bottle feeding

Bottle feeding your baby may not be as good as breastfeeding but it's still a healthy and viable choice for raising your child if you can't breastfeed for medical reasons, haven't...