All articles by: Lareese Craig
Top 100 Baby Names For Your Little One

Choosing a name for your baby has to be one of the hardest decisions you'll make in your life. It's got to suit them from day dot right up to when they're applying for their dream job...
This Man Was Told To Remove His Makeup At Work & Of Course He Clapped Back In The Best Way

If you went to a strict-ish school, you'll probably remember a certain teacher who would always carry makeup wipes on her ready to ram them under your nose and remove your slap...
Model Scarlett Costello Is Making A Serious Case For The Monobrow

Wouldn't it be great if we could just throw caution to the wind and forego waxing, threading and tweezing for good, instead celebrating body hair wherever it so chooses to sprout up...
Pimm's Popsicles Are Here To Get Us In The Spirit Of Summer

What even is British summertime without a jug of Pimms in one hand (yep, a whole jug) and a handheld fan in the other? It's the only time we'll willingly consume strawberries...
This Dog Is Every Girl When Beyonce Comes On In The Club

Everyone has that one friend who thinks her Beyonce dancing is on fleek.
55 Interior Wall Art Ideas To Inspire Your Living Space

Nothing says you've mastered adulthood quite like a piece (or ten) of hanging wall art. We've all seen those perfect dressed rooms complete with monochrome Paris prints and Kate...
This Woman Asked For Round Nails & Immediately Regretted It

We've all heard our fair share of nail bar horror stories: the pedi blade that's never changed, the foot bath that's never disinfected and, of course, the woman who caught a toe...
This Baby Grow Is Causing Outrage Among Parents For Trivialising Rape

Mums and dads are spoilt for choice when it comes to buying clothes for their little ones, so we're struggling to see how there was even a gap in the market for this questionable...
Competition: Win A Luxury Hamper Worth £150 For The Perfect Night In!

Sofeminine has teamed up with Boursin® to give one lucky winner the chance to win a luxury hamper for the perfect night in. Because staying in is the new going out, right? We've...
Penis Unicorn Leggings Are Here To Make Us Feel Less Than Horny

We don't know if you've heard but everyone's a little bit obsessed with unicorns in every way, shape and form at the moment and we mean that more literally than you know. Like...
A Lesson In How To Wear Converse, As Told By Tumblr

Sometimes our feet need a little let-up from the high heel life and nothing says comfort and style quite like a pair of lived in Converse. The humble lace up sneaker can transform...
Kudos To ASOS For Refusing To Airbrush This Swimwear Model's Stretch Marks

People are pretty happy with ASOS right about now thanks to their refreshing stance on airbrushing. Instead of smoothing and healing the hell out of this swimwear model's legs...
People Are Getting Fake Rainbow Freckles Tattooed On Their Faces To Celebrate Pride

Last year Topshop's freckle pencil burst onto the scene, allowing those of us who haven't been naturally blessed with cute beauty spots to replicate the look. But a temporarily...
You Can Finally Get Your McDonald's Delivered To Your Door With UberEats!

Say goodbye to shuffling into McDonald's with the hangover from hell and wearing yesterday's floordrobe clothes because you can finally get your legendary flat sausage muffin...
This Drug-Free Miracle Gel Could Be The Answer To All Your IBS Struggles

If you're an IBS sufferer, you'll know the anxiety of being 10 yards away from a toilet all too well. You can't even mention bread or cheese without breaking into the panic sweats...
There's A Blue Gin Train Coming To London & You're Going To Want A Ticket ASAP

Ordinarily, us Londoners spend way too much time waiting for a train, sitting on a train or filling out delay repay forms for cancelled trains, but a gin train? Now that's something...
Apparently We Need To Be Removing Our Blackheads With Silky Balls Now

Blackheads are the grossest of the gross. The way they worm their way under your skin and set up shop - they are rude and they are damn right plucky and we are done. But rather...
Face Diving Is The Latest Korean Beauty Hack For Budge-Proof Matte Makeup

Contrary to its name, the Korean face diving technique that goes by the name of 'Jamsu' has nothing to do with smothering your face in jam and getting a woman named Su to add...
The £3.99 Cleanser That's A Dead Ringer For The Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish

News flash: a hot cloth cleanser exists just like Liz Earle's hot cloth cleanse and polish, only this one's just £3.99. To confirm, that's under £4. Supermarket giant and beauty...
Powered By Plants! 28 Interior Design Ideas For Every Indoor Plant Lover

If house plants give you more life than fields of wheat give Theresa May then this little edit might be right up your garden path. Every city dweller knows the pain of learning...