All articles by: Vivian KELLY
The Self Defence Techniques EVERY Woman Should Know
Would you be confident enough to fight back if someone attacked you? Or would you freeze up in utter panic? Getting mugged, harassed or assaulted aren't the kinda things we wanna...
Infrared Saunas and Swedish Massages: 12 Simple Ways to Detox Your Body
Detoxing your body isn't just about juicing and going hungry for days on end. It's about getting your body back into working order and helping to eliminate the harmful toxins...
No Dream Job And A Total Mess? 21 Things All Twentysomethings Need To Stop Fretting Over
Your twenties are are all about having fun, right? Wrong. From our own experience, your twenties are all high expectations, being way too hard on yourself and giving too much...
Muffin Tops Be Gone! Everything You Need To Know About The Wheat Belly Diet
We couldn't help but raise our eyebrows when the wheat belly diet hit British shores. Is 'whole hearty wheat' really a burden to good health and wannabe beach bodies? Well according...
17 Unexpected Signs You’re A Psychob*tch Girlfriend
Ladies, whether you've been through a heart wrenching break up, acted plain crazy or got treated badly it's inevitable that sometimes in life women can lose their sh*t over a guy...
Zebra Tans and Cruddy Feet? 26 British Girl Summer Problems - REVEALED!
Sweltering hot rooms, ghostly white legs and mega stressful styling dilemmas? Don't get us wrong, we love British summertime...but with lovely warm weather comes a whole host...
18 Ways to Detox Your Home and Your Life
Feel like your life's in need of a major makeover? Feeling down, sluggish or frozen in time? Do yourself a favour and give your home and general life the spring clean it deserves...
Restore Your Health And Vitality! How To Balance Your Hormones Naturally
Crappy moods, low energy and unexplained weight gain? These are all symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Before your mind skips straight to menopause, hormonal problems can actually...
Why Is He Being Distant? The Real Reasons Men Pull Away
Things don't feel the same and have no idea why? Wondering why your man's been acting strange? Men aren't ALWAYS to blame for a relationship breakdown. In fact, we know a few...
Pulled An All-nighter? 15 Ways To Survive On Less Sleep
Completely frazzled from the night before? Struggling to keep your eyes closed but no matchsticks to hand? Not sure how you're going to make it through the day? Don't panic. Despite...
Sweating & Falling Off The Treadmill? 24 Stages Girls Go Through When Hitting The Gym
Going to the gym is every girl’s greatest love/hate relationship. We love the feeling afterwards, hate JUST about everything that comes before that. Motivating yourself, getting...
The Drunk Eater? The Emotional Wreck? 20 Types Of Drunk Every Woman Knows
On a girl's night out it's inevitable that after a few burning shots we're channeling our inner crazy. Whether you're the reckless drunk that plays in traffic, the poorly girl...
Energy, Weight Loss and Brain Power: 10 Essential Health Benefits Of Iron
If you're feeling tired, winded and out of sorts you could be deficient in iron. This element is essential to our health in SO many different ways. So if you have NO explanations...
Banana Pancakes? Watching Old Films? 20 Things To Do On A Lazy Sunday
We love days like these; feet up, hair down and not a care in the world. Sometimes it's the simple things in life that make the biggest difference to our happiness. Ladies, if...
Quit Smoking Timeline: The Health Benefits Of A Smoke-free Life
Winding down and relaxing without a cigarette may seem like a totally unrealistic goal to begin with but once you battle through the nicotine cravings and frustration, you'll...
A Flat Tummy And Gorgeous Skin? The 12 Amazing Benefits Of Papaya
Is there really one fruit that can give you fresh glowing skin, regular periods and a flattened tum? Yep. You better believe it. Papaya, AKA 'the fruit of the angels' is well...
'You Can't Change Someone' And Other Dating Advice We Give But Don't Listen To
Every time one of the girls asks for relationship advice we start dishing out mantras, tips and love lessons and insisting our friends should listen to us. What's worse, we can't...
25 Things Women Wish Men Knew: The Secret Of What Women Want - REVEALED
Men claim women are much more complicated than them but it's time for our side of the story. It's actually really simple to make a woman happy - if they'd only look out for the signs...
'Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just You?' Every Type of Boy You Meet On a Night Out
On a girls' night out, there's always some creep or other trying to get his hands on your number or a little more. Whether it's the thrusting pervert, the fully-fledged stalker...
Good Bacteria? 11 Health Benefits of Adding Probiotics To Your Diet
Not all bacteria is bad for your health. In fact, the benefits of probiotics can only do your body good. From bloat-busting powers, to reducing your cholesterol to achieving flawless...