All articles by: Emmy Griffiths
Emmerdale 22/3 - Pierce shatters the peace

Emmerdale Episode Guide - Tuesday 22nd March SPOILER ALERT! Paddy and Rhona are both pleased to be making some progress as they agree to meet for lunch. Paddy’s positive as he...
Hollyoaks 22/3 - Simone supports Louis’ claims

Hollyoaks Episode Guide - Tuesday 22nd March SPOILER ALERT! Simone supports Louis’ claims that Joanne could have abducted Lisa. Ste offers to help out at Price Slice but again...
Coronation Street 23/3 - Sarah's shocked by an unexpected visitor

Coronation Street Episode Guide - Wednesday 23rd March SPOILER ALERT! David and Kylie worry about Sarah. As Todd and Bethany sit with her, the mood is soured by the arrival of Marion...
Eastenders 23/03 - Stacey allows Kyle the chance to explain everything

Eastenders Episode Guide - Tuesday 23rd March SPOILER ALERT! Stacey allows Kyle the chance to explain everything and alone, Kyle opens up about his past. Stacey struggles to come...
Emmerdale 21/3 - The Bride and Groom are absent from their reception

Emmerdale Episode Guide - Monday 21st March SPOILER ALERT! In the Woolpack, Laurel and Ashley’s wedding reception is in full swing as Victoria hands out the food. Everyone discusses...
Coronation Street 21/3 - It's hard labour for the Platts

Coronation Street Episode Guide - Monday 21st March SPOILER ALERT! Episode One Todd bumps into Sarah who’s been shopping for the new baby. Moved by the reminder of their past...
Hollyoaks 21/3 - Ste and Harry are chucked out of the McQueen’s

Hollyoaks Episode Guide - Monday 21st March SPOILER ALERT! Ste and Harry are chucked out of the McQueen’s. Ste overhears Dirk talking to Jason about how empty his flat feels...
Eastenders 21/03 - Stacey is back in the Square

Eastenders Episode Guide - Monday 21st March SPOILER ALERT! Stacey is back in the Square for her day visit but things take a turn when she bumps into Kyle.Meanwhile, Denise oversees...
Redheads Aren't Dying Out...And They Also Might Be Genetically Superior

Laugh it up, playground bullies who couldn't leave us poor gingers alone, because the redheads have risen up and guess what? We're genetically superior than ALL of you! In all...
The One Tree Hill Cast Had A Reunion And We Miss Them All So Much

Ah One Tree Hill. The drama that show the world what being a teenager was really like: full of murderous parents, psycho fake brothers and approximately one car crash every six months...
Model Rejected By Agent Because of Her Hips Becomes Face of Global Lingerie Brand

Iskra Lawrence is a woman we love. With over 1 million Instagram followers, she celebrates her incredible curves and inspires fans everywhere with her undoctored images and the...
You Have To See This Little Kid Dive-Bomb His Aunt's Wedding Dress

Once, when I was five, I refused to come out of the play area at my cousin's birthday party. Realising too late that everyone else had left to eat cake, I began screaming hysterically...
WATCH: New Captain America: Civil War Trailer Shows First Glimpse Of Spiderman

As much as we've been loving the trailers for Captain America: Civil War, Spiderman is the character we've most looked forward to seeing but has been kept tightly under wraps...
The ULTIMATE Game Of Thrones Recap Before Season Six Drops

A year is a long time, and as much as you might love Game of Thrones like your own child (that you will never have because you're too busy watching Game of Thrones to leave the...
Orange Is The New Black Death: How Would You Make Your Favourite TV Show Historical?

Forget Downton Abbey or The Tudors, there is a whole new way to watch historical TV shows! By just adding or changing a word to your already favourite show, you can totally recreate...
Are The Female Emojis Sexist?

While carefully choosing which emoji best expresses your feelings at that exact moment, have you ever stopped to consider (before selecting the sassy hand girl of course), how...
100 Episodes Of New Girl: Why It's Still Our Favourite Comedy

New Girl has just celebrated it's 100th episode, and we can't remember a time that we weren't giggling at the antics of Jess, Schmidt, Nick, Winnie the Bish and the rest of them...
The Wachowski Brothers Are Now The Wachowski Sisters As Both Come Out As Transgendered

The Wachowski siblings are most famous for directing The Matrix movies and were known as the Wachowski brothers before Larry had a sex change four years ago and became known as Lana...
Did The Game Of Thrones Season Six Trailer Confirm R+L=J?

Before you read any further, this article contains theoretical and actual spoilers, you have been warned! The trailer for Game of Thrones season six is finally here, but did it...
Kim Kardashian Wrote An Open Letter About Body-Shaming And You Need To Read It

We'll admit it: earlier this week when Kim Kardashian got into a Twitter spat of sorts with Chloe Moretz and Bette Midler after they both commented on Kim's nearly naked snap...