Beauty tips

The Disturbing Reason Why Women Are Putting Glitter In Their Vaginas
While it's encouraging our vaginal health and wellbeing is becoming increasingly less of a taboo, it's given birth to some …
The Surprising Reason This Woman Got Tattoos To Replace Her Toenails
Sometimes the internet can be like one big game of Chinese whispers, and never more so than for this poor …
Toilet Paper Lip Art Is Here & It's Anything But Turd
In the latest 'unlikely household item to be used as a beauty essential' news, it's the humble toilet paper's time …
Crumbs! Breadcrumb Brows Are Here And They're Making Us Feel Weird
Breadcrumb eyebrows. Not exactly two words you would ever expect to see in the same sentence but this is 2017 …
People Are Applying 100 Coats Of Nail Polish And It's Weirdly Satisfying To Watch
In 2017 when we'll accept nothing less than one hundred percent, beauty bloggers are taking this to unnecessary extremes, if …
This Girl Hasn't Cut Her Nails In Years And They're Low-key Gross
Meet: Simone Taylor - a 16-year-old schoolgirl from Germany who believes 'life's too short not to have long nails'. The …
The Best Beauty Tips Given To Daughters By Their Mothers
When it comes to life advice, there's no one we'd trust more than our lovely mums, they are the ones …
This Nail Salon Is Charging 'Overweight' Customers More For Pedicures And People Are P*ssed
Welcome to 2017: the year beauty salons can justify charging 'overweight' people more than 'non-overweight' customers, apparently. One American nail …
It's Time Your Bath Bomb Addiction Fizzled Out Because It's Ruining Your Vagina
IMHO a life without bath bombs is a life not worth living but new findings have shown that one of …
20 Nail Art Designs On Pinterest That Are Getting Us Excited For Spring
We don't wanna go and jinx it but, have you noticed what's happening lately? It's gradually getting a little bit …
Kim Kardashian Is Rocking Pierced Nails And We Don't Know How To Feel
It's not like we've never heard of piercings in, ahem, odd places before but Kim Kardashian has taken the trend …
Your Gel Nails Could Give You Cancer, No Kidding
Nothing makes you feel fancy AF quite like a fresh set of gel acrylics but what if we told you …
This Blogger Showed Us The Reality Of Acrylic-nail Addiction and It Looks Painful AF
There's no doubt acrylic nails have the ability to transform a look but like most things we love in life …
#Soapbrows Is The Key To Eyebrows 'On Fleek'
If you calculated how much you've spent on eyebrow products and treatments over the years, it'd raise a few ahem, …
#TreatYoSelf PayDay Haul: Beauty, Fashion And Everything In Between
Nothing makes us happier than seeing that number in our bank accounts go from minus to positive when that pay …
The Winter Nail Colours That'll Warm Your Cockles This Season
Just because it's autumn doesn't mean that everything has to be pumpkin spiced. Autumn/Winter 2016 has some unexpected twists for …
Get Nailed With All The Summer Mani-Art Inspo You'll Ever Need
Summer is well on its way so it's high-time you upped your mani game. There's no better time of year …
#TreatYoSelf Haul: Beauty, Fashion And Everything In Between
SUMMER, WELCOME! Come on in, we've been expecting you. Now the temp has finally got above 15° it's time to …
#TreatYoSelf Haul: Beauty, Fashion And Everything In Between
Oh hey sunshine, we've been expecting you! Now that the weathers taking a warmer turn - no matter how slight …
We Tried Whitening Our Teeth Naturally With Black Charcoal & This Is What Happened
Just like a good night out, whitening our teeth with black charcoal was messy but totally worth …
10 Ways To Show A Friend You Care
When was the last time you did something special for your BFF? When was the last time you told her …
Blogger Argues Fat People Deserve To Be Shamed. Internet Understandably Goes Mental
We're sure when Nicole Arbour made a video mocking fat people, she expected a bit of blacklash - but this? …