All articles - Health and Fitness
12 Weird & Wonderful Ways To Help You Stop Smoking

Ready to give up smoking? With the government's 28-day national stop smoking challenge, Stoptober, what could be a better time to find out some new and interesting ways to help...
How Often Do You Check Your Breasts? 15 Tips On How To Check Your Boobs

In the UK 50,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed every year. Every woman is at risk of breast cancer but the earlier it's spotted the better the chances are to cure it...
Live A Healthier Life! 9 Health Problems To Be Aware Of In Your 20s

Being young, healthy and fit is ideal but not exactly reality. From painful periods to achy feet and loose bowels, thousands of young adults suffer from these common symptoms...
Boost Your Brain Power! The 10 Best Foods For Your Brain

Tired of feeling sluggish and out of sync? Chances are you're probably low on energy. But that doesn't mean you need to nap or grab a sugary energy drink to give you a boost....
10 Best Instagram Accounts To Follow For Fitness Motivation

If you’ve made the commitment to get fit and healthy we're telling you now, there will be times when you'll need some serious fitness motivation to stay on track. Rather than...
The Amazing Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds You Never Knew

Don't be fooled, aside from carving spooky faces and baking pumpkin pies there are tons of other things pumpkins are good for, like your health! Especially when it comes to pumpkin...
Cervical Screening: The Appointment Your Boss Can't Say No To

We all know we're supposed to get regular smear tests but be honest, if your boss won't allow you the time off, how much will you push it? From these statistics, not much. What...
The New Secret Health Booster: The 10 Surprising Benefits Of Chia Seeds

If there’s one food we can call holy, it has to be chia. These nutty flavoured seeds are packed with tons of vitamins and minerals helping you to lose weight, beat cravings, look...
Do You Know Your Normal? Be Breast Aware With A #CHECKYOURSELFIE

When was the last time you checked your breasts? Ages ago, right? Girls, it's time we changed things! The Sofeminine team is standing up against breast cancer with a #CHECKYOURSELFIE...
Screw Gym Prep! A Glass Of Red Wine Could Be Just As Beneficial As One Hour At The Gym

Sounds like an ambitious statement, right? Well, we're serious. Science says that a single glass of red wine could actually carry the same heath benefits as a one hour sweat session...
Is Oil Good For You? The Amazing Health Benefits Of Avocado Oil, Walnut and More!

Is oil actually that good for you? Well yes. Despite popular belief that oil is fattening, if you pick the right one, oils can actually provide your body with nutrients to help...
Why Exercising In The Morning Is The Best Time To Work Out

While waking up at the crack of dawn and dragging your feet out the door isn't anyone's idea of a good morning, you may be surprised to find out how much it can really change...
Everything You Need To Know About The Anti Inflammatory Diet

Inflammation is thought to be the root cause to many serious illnesses as well as the reason you feel fatigued and generally out of sorts. BUT there is a way you can help counteract...
Stress Less: 18 Habits To Harness for a Happier Life

Constantly in a panic and not sure how to cope? Whether you become angry and agitated or depressed and blue, dealing with stress is anything but easy. The good news is there are...
Boxing For Women: 10 Reasons To Get Some Gloves

We all love to look and feel good but what makes that one hell of a lot more satisfying is when you can kick some ass while doing it. That's why we're currently obsessed with...
The Miracle Tree? 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil

We've heard how good it is for spots but dabbing tea tree on your zits isn't the only thing this oil is good for. In mouthwashes, moisturisers, ointments, shampoos - the variety...
21 Reasons Why Yoga Is The Best Workout Of Them All

Just because everyone loves something, doesn't mean it's any good, right? But we have to admit that when people rave about the benefits of yoga, they have a pretty good point...
10 Things You Need To Know About A Tough Mudder Before Signing Up

Ever fancied running through fields of mud for 12 miles? How about getting electrocuted and dunked in pools full of ice along the way? No? What's wrong with you! Forget running...
The 10 Best Calming Foods To Find Some Zen In Your Life

Did you know what you eat can influence the way you feel? When you're stressed, angry or blue it's all too easy to indulge in comfort foods but this does NOTHING to help your...
10 Healthy Snack Foods That Aren't All That Healthy

Ever wonder if you're being lied to? Turns out knowing which of our favourite healthy bites are ACTUALLY beneficial and which one's are nothing but a hoax is way more complicated...
The Anti-Ageing Superpower: 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pomegranate

As one of nature's best medicinal foods pomegranates have been linked to reducing your risk of cancer, heart disease and brain damage! This powerful fruit is also an anti-ageing...
'It's Not Tasty' To 'You Don't Get Enough Protein': 10 Vegetarian Myths Busted!

When it comes to being vegetarian, you've probably heard a million misconceptions, a thousand half-truths and no FACTS. But that's all about to change. If you think you'll have...
Less Stress, More Energy And Gorgeous Skin? 10 Amazing Benefits Of Vitamin C

If you don't already know, chugging a glass of orange juice isn't just good for ridding sniffles and sneezes! From energy-boosting nutrients and reduced stress, to thicker hair...
Why You Need To Start Hula Hooping: The 5 Hula Hoop Exercises You Have To Know

Gone are the days when hula hooping was banned to your childhood, using a hula hoop is actually an incredible way to workout. It's cheap, it's easy and you can whack it out at...
Want More Energy? And Better Sleep? Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a nutrient you can't do without! From producing your body's DNA, to preventing heart disease and being your brain's main source of fuel, there's not much this little...
Running For Just 5 to 10 Minutes A Day Could Lengthen Life Expectancy

Calling all lazy people, we've got GREAT news for you. Findings from a study conducted by the University of Iowa suggest that running only 10 minutes a day is sufficient to lengthen...
Beautiful Skin & A Healthy Heart: 7 Of The Best Omega-3 Benefits

If you suffer from fatigue, memory problems and mood swings, omega-3 could be the answer. Not only are the celebs lapping up so much of the stuff that it's a miracle there's some...
Do Dreams Mean Anything? From Why We Do It To What They Mean

Dreams are one of life's unexplained mysteries that we can't help but question. Sometimes our dreams are so great we hope to never wake up, other times they're just plain scary...
How To Beat The Block: 15 Ways To Break The Workout Wall

Nothing hurts more than hitting the workout wall at 100mph. If you’ve been dedicated to training for weeks but are now suddenly feeling uninspired to get up and go, we can sympathise...
The Slimming Secret: Everything You Need To Know About The Japanese Diet

Want to be healthier and slimmer? From gorging down oily fish to quenching your thirst with delicious, natural teas, adopting the Japanese way of eating can help you become the...
Can Full-Fats Be Good For You? The Healthy Fats You Should Be Eating!

Who would have known 'full fat' could actually be a good thing, let alone a healthy one? Full fat options are often richer in vitamins, minerals AND can help you lose weight!...
Infrared Saunas and Swedish Massages: 12 Simple Ways to Detox Your Body

Detoxing your body isn't just about juicing and going hungry for days on end. It's about getting your body back into working order and helping to eliminate the harmful toxins...
Muffin Tops Be Gone! Everything You Need To Know About The Wheat Belly Diet

We couldn't help but raise our eyebrows when the wheat belly diet hit British shores. Is 'whole hearty wheat' really a burden to good health and wannabe beach bodies? Well according...
Going Cardio Crazy and 'No Pain, No Gain': 10 Mistakes We're Making At The Gym

If you've been working out like a woman possessed but are still not seeing your desired results you could be falling into the trap of these common exercise errors. We've all made...
18 Ways to Detox Your Home and Your Life

Feel like your life's in need of a major makeover? Feeling down, sluggish or frozen in time? Do yourself a favour and give your home and general life the spring clean it deserves...
Restore Your Health And Vitality! How To Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Crappy moods, low energy and unexplained weight gain? These are all symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Before your mind skips straight to menopause, hormonal problems can actually...
Younger Looking Skin & More Energy: 9 Health Benefits of Drinking More Water

Everybody knows drinking water is good for you, but after reading just how good it really is you'll be stockpiling 2 litre bottles of Evian like there's no tomorrow. Not only...
Younger Looking Skin & More Energy: 9 Health Benefits Of Drinking More Water

Everybody knows drinking water is good for you, but after reading just how good it really is you'll be stockpiling 2 liter bottles of Evian like there's no tomorrow. Not only...
Pulled An All-nighter? 15 Ways To Survive On Less Sleep

Completely frazzled from the night before? Struggling to keep your eyes closed but no matchsticks to hand? Not sure how you're going to make it through the day? Don't panic. Despite...
Sweating & Falling Off The Treadmill? 24 Stages Girls Go Through When Hitting The Gym

Going to the gym is every girl’s greatest love/hate relationship. We love the feeling afterwards, hate JUST about everything that comes before that. Motivating yourself, getting...
The 10 Foods To Eat For A Flat Stomach

You want to look good for your summer holiday, we get it - it's only natural. But the thing is, you don't have to go all crazy and deprive yourselves of eating well to do it....
Energy, Weight Loss and Brain Power: 10 Essential Health Benefits Of Iron

If you're feeling tired, winded and out of sorts you could be deficient in iron. This element is essential to our health in SO many different ways. So if you have NO explanations...
Quit Smoking Timeline: The Health Benefits Of A Smoke-free Life

Winding down and relaxing without a cigarette may seem like a totally unrealistic goal to begin with but once you battle through the nicotine cravings and frustration, you'll...
A Flat Tummy And Gorgeous Skin? The 12 Amazing Benefits Of Papaya

Is there really one fruit that can give you fresh glowing skin, regular periods and a flattened tum? Yep. You better believe it. Papaya, AKA 'the fruit of the angels' is well...
Coca-Cola Thinks You're Fat - But They Want To Help

When a company closely linked to the 'obesity epidemic' turns around and tries to help curb it, what do you think most people do? Scoff of course, we're British. So when Coca-Cola...
25 Reasons Why Running Is The Ultimate Workout

Have you ever noticed how runners always seem to be happy and upbeat, no matter what? It's not a coincidence. Running has so many benefits that it's hard to see how any other...
11 Things You Need To Know Before Your First Barre Workout

Looking for a fun workout with great results? Craving lean muscle, increased flexibility and improved posture? We've found the perfect workout for you! Here's everything you need...
25 Reasons You're Feeling Tired All The Time

Sick of feeling so sluggish and sleepy all the time you're almost dropping off at your desk, but not sure what to do about it? We all love our beds, but life has a way of throwing...
Good Bacteria? 11 Health Benefits of Adding Probiotics To Your Diet

Not all bacteria is bad for your health. In fact, the benefits of probiotics can only do your body good. From bloat-busting powers, to reducing your cholesterol to achieving flawless...
11 Cramp-curing Foods To Chow Down When You're On Your Period

Every woman dreads that time of the month. Stabbing cramps? Blow fish bellies? And generally feeling like crap? Periods can't get any worse. But there are things we can do to...
Whiter Teeth And Radiant Skin? The Health And Beauty Benefits of Clay

Clay is not just for making pretty pottery people! Its external benefits can help clean, brighten, tighten and exfoliate your skin, all while internally helping to ward off ailments...
SPF Diet: 10 Foods To Protect Your Skin From The Sun

Did you know that slathering yourself in suncream isn't the only way to protect your skin from sun damage? Something we all tend to forget is that we can naturally boost our skin's...
Why You Should Go Nowhere Near A Waist Trainer

Great. Another thing you should add to the list of 'Things The Kardashians Do That You Should Never, Ever Try' (ahem sex tape, Kanye West... the list goes on). Khloe Kardashian...
23 Things Dieters Say That We So Don't Want To Hear

We all know a dieter or two that just can't help themselves. They feel obliged to overshare their food scrutiny. From counting calories to fat shaming, there are plenty of phrases...
10 Things You ACTUALLY Need To Know About Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the sunshine vit that we just can't get enough of. Literally. It just isn't sunny enough in the UK and unsurprisingly over 50 per cent of Britons are deficient in...
More Than Just A Pong! All You Need To Know About The Amazing Benefits Of Garlic

Garlic, the underrated health hero better known to flavour dishes (and blamed for its bad breath tendencies) is our latest obsession. With infection fighting power, immune boosting...
Increased Energy? Longer Lifespan? Everything You Need To know About The Ayurvedic Diet

Looking for a diet that’s practical and effective? The Ayurvedic Diet diet can help you fight disease, lose-weight, live longer and MORE. Discover what it’s all about and start...
The VIP Diet Treatment Every Girl Needs: Talk To A Nutritionist Live On

Whether you've got a holiday to slim for, an IBS problem, an intolerance to wheat or just want to make your skin improve, eating right has the power to change your body for the better...
Quit The Excuses! 50 Motivational Fitness Quotes To Get Your Ass Up And Into Shape

We don't know how it's happened, but over the last six months we've become the kind of gals who can't resist a motivational quote. Especially fitness quotes. As we all know (a...
Are Celebrity #Healthies The Best Instagram Motivation Ever? 15 Hardcore Workouts We Want To Try

We can't help but get sucked in by a picture of a super-fit celebrity working out. Yeah, it kind of makes you want to stuff your face full of Victoria Sponge in protest BUT once...