All articles - Health and Fitness
Fatigue fighters: 8 foods that boost your energy

Fatigue fighters: 8 foods that boost your energy We all know how hard it can be to stick to those New Year resolutions of eating better, getting more sleep and working out more often...
Our guide to perfect legs

Our guide to perfectly toned legs Tights and trousers are giving way to shorts, skirts, minidresses and you know bikini season isn't all that far away! And with mini fashion at...
Self-massage: a few simple steps

Easy self massage The soaring popularity of massage is no surprise given the many benefits it has for body and mind, from relaxation and pain relief to stimulation.Massage doesn't...
Alcohol depression: How to get over the post boozing blues

Getting over alcohol depression Get over the booze blues In addition to the physical headache of a hangover, it's not unusual to depressed, have a growing sense of anxiety, and...
Diabulimia Is The 'World's Most Dangerous Eating Disorder' You Probably Don't Know About

Most people are familiar with the most common types of eating disorders - anorexia nervosa and bulimia - but there's a new breed threatening the lives of up to 40% of women aged...
Bad News Gym Bunnies, Working Out Is Giving You Wrinkles

Guys, brace yourselves for some news that will make you hate the gym even more (sorry): it could be causing irreversible damage to your face. Yep, while a workout is amazing for...
Unbelievably, Half Of Men Don't Know Where The Vagina Is

In today's men-are-the-worst news, a new study has found that 50% of biological males can't locate the main female sex organ on a human body which is all sorts of worrying. The...
This Morning Viewers Moved To Tears By Show's Former Producer Left Paralysed By Severe Nut Allergy

This Morning viewers and presenters alike were left moved by Monday morning's episode which featured an emotional reunion with the show's former producer Amy Shead who's been...
A Female Fitness Model Has Died After Eating Too Much Protein

When you try something new, it's like stepping into the unknown. No matter what it is, you do it with the mentality that, really, what's the worst that could happen? Unfortunately...
Meet The Woman Born Without A Vagina

Kaylee Moats was born with a condition that effects only 1 in 5,000 newborn girls - she is without genitals which means she's yet to have a period or sex, at the age of 22. Now...
This 'Squat Magic' Machine Looks Dodgy AF

This may look like something straight out of the Eric Prydz Call On Me video, but this dodgy looking contraption is actually quite innocent. 'Squat Magic' is the low impact machine...
Positive Quotes To Get You Through Your Day

We all have those days that are a struggle from start to finish - those mornings when you wake up and you already want to it to be the evening, snuggled up in bed with Netflix...
Unicorn Menstrual Cups Could Convince You To Never Buy Another Tampon Again

It's popular opinion that making menstruating women pay tax on sanitary products is a great injustice. Most recently, Tesco announced plans to cough up this tax on behalf of the...
A Bad Night's Sleep Could Be The Reason You're Gaining Weight

There's nothing worse than counting down the hours until you're safely tucked up in your bed only for you to be tossing and turning, unable to drift off, when you finally get there...
A Teenager Sh*t Herself In Public After White Stuff Store Refused Access To Their Toilet

When you need to go, you need to go. We've all experienced the desperation of busting for a wee - just look at the girls' toilet queue in any nightclub on a Saturday night - but...
34 Yoga Quotes To Inspire That Downward Dog

If life (work, social plans, texting everyone back) is leaving you feeling *frazzled*, yoga could be just the calm you're searching for. But if you've ever been hesitant to start...
Woman Posts Inspiring Before & After Pictures Of Her Heroin Addiction To Help Others

Everyone who has ever suffered with addiction knows that bad habits are hard to kick. And those close to someone who has suffered with addiction know this just as well. Melissa...
Hold Your Dumbbells, You Can Actually Die From Overexercising

This is all the proof we need that going to the gym is officially bad for you - so now we're going to stay home and stuff our faces with Quavers and slices of cheese instead. OK...
This Woman's Side-By-Side Photos Show Endometriosis Is 'No Joke'

Endometriosis isn't the enigma it once was thanks to the likes of Lena Dunham, Halsey and Julianne Hough, but it's still a condition that many of us don't understand. But Thessy...
There's An App That Texts You To Stop Drinking Like A Moaning Parent

A new Australian app promises to help you curb your hangovers by sending you regular text messages on your night out that replicate the naggy texts your mum sends when she expects...
Doctors Remove 27 Contact Lenses From Pensioner's Eye

Most contact lens-wearers are all too familiar with the painful consequences of forgetting to remove them pre-disco nap or post night-out. But spare a thought for this 67-year-old...
Study Shows That Being Hangry Is Actually A Real Thing

It's a study that should have been at the forefront of scientific research if you ask us, but maybe that's just because we haven't had our afternoon snack yet. Research has uncovered...
This Woman Got Real About Her Two Stone Weight Gain & It's Inspiring AF

Considering the gazillion transformation photos flooding our Instagram feeds each day, we have to admit it's rare that they ever actually inspire us to put down that slice of...
Scotland Is Giving Women On The Poverty Line Free Tampons

In a world where we women are required to pay tax on vital hygiene products, it's refreshing to hear news of an initiative that's attempting to make the time of the month more...
Unprotected Oral Sex Is Leading To A Rise In Untreatable STDs

It's easy to forget that using protection when it comes to sex isn't just to prevent you getting pregnant, but also to stop you getting an STI. Which means that your protection...
17 Celebs Who Have Spoken Out About Their Mental Health

Mental health has often been described as a "growing epidemic", with men and women being affected equally. But the thing is, mental illness does not discriminate. It can affect...
You Can Now Buy The Morning After Pill Off The Shelf At Superdrug And It's Half Price

Sheepishly dragging yourself (and your one night stand, depending on how much of a gentleman he is) to the pharmacy the morning after the night before is a rite of passage for women...
This Mum Was Left Paralysed After An Orgasm Led To A Brain Haemorrhage

There are plenty of things that you just don't want to happen when you're getting fresh: losing 'momentum', accidentally spotting yourself in the mirror at an unflattering angle...
People Are Getting Massaged With Knives As A Stress Reliever

The latest massage craze is here and it's not for the faint-hearted: in Taipei, Taiwan, customers are visiting masseuse Hsiao Mei Fang to get one of her famed knife massages. Yep...
This Drug-Free Miracle Gel Could Be The Answer To All Your IBS Struggles

If you're an IBS sufferer, you'll know the anxiety of being 10 yards away from a toilet all too well. You can't even mention bread or cheese without breaking into the panic sweats...
Bottoms Up! Gin Could Be The New Miracle Cure For Hay Fever

We love us some summer, but the excuse to eat as much ice cream as we want whenever we want comes at a hefty price for a large majority of the population, who are unfortunate...
Women Are Piping Ozone Gas Into Their Vaginas And It Could Kill You

While it's positive progress that women are being increasingly encouraged to take care of their vaginal well being, we can't help but think some people are taking advantage of...
Apparently There Are Only 5 Types Of Vagina - Which One Do You Have?

The rise of beautifying our lady gardens beyond regular trims has reached its peak with more women than ever being encouraged to treat their vaginas with the same amount of tender...
The Rash From This Woman's Bra Turned Out To Be Stage 4 Breast Cancer

When Jennifer Cordts first noticed a red sunburn-like rash on her breast in 2015, she thought it would be best to get a mammogram to double check. Her test came back normal but...
Two Glasses Of Wine Before Bed Will Help You Lose Weight, Apparently

Not a day goes by without either a new health food or impossible gym move being deemed the secret to maintaining a banging, bikini body. But it seems we've been wasting our time...
This Fitness Coach Is A Lesson In Not Letting Loose Skin Hold Us Back

Working out at the gym is hard and tiring, and after you've sweated it out it might not always yield the exact results you want but this fitness coach is here to tell you it's...
People Are Putting Wasp Nests Up Their Vaginas 'To Improve Their Sex Lives'

We're almost halfway through the year and just when you were thinking we'd reached peak 2017 when vegan bloggers started advising (and encouraging) women to stop their periods...
How I Turned My Spa-phobic Boyfriend Into A Massage Fanatic

Going to a spa retreat is one of those things you always want to do as a couple but what if your boyfriend is seriously freaked out by being touched by a stranger. There's nothing...
People Will Be Streaking Through London Zoo This Summer And You Can Too

Animal lovers and naturists rejoice: London is bringing the capital's biggest feline fans and nudists together in a one-off streaking session though its zoo this summer and you're...
'Avocado Hand' Is On The Rise And It's The Wake Up Call We All Need

Put down that avocado on toast and listen up because your avo addiction could land you in hospital. No joke. Doctors have reported a worryingly high rise in the number of cases...
Do Tequila Plants Really Hold The Key To Strong Bones?

That Sunday-morning regret of having downed too many tequila slammers the night before is an all-too familiar feeling for some of us. But what if we told you that while the Mexican...
This Is How You Get Rid Of Hip Dips

When it comes to toning up, we kind of know what we're doing, kind of. There are enough YouTube and Instagram videos on abs, butts and thighs to get going with that Beyonce bod...
A Gym Has Started Napping Classes To Save Tired Parents

Have you ever looked at a class at the gym and thought, "No matter who else is in that class, I would be the best." No, neither have we - UNTIL NOW. One gym - also known as our...
Beer Yoga Is The Latest Fitness Fad You Need To Try

If you've ever wanted to combine your love of craft beer with your penchant for some slow stretching and deep breathing, then it might be time to get yourself to Germany because...
This Woman Was Blinded By Her Contact Lenses

For plenty of people, contact lenses are a necessary part of life. They are notoriously fiddly, not to mention hard to get used to. And bloody hell, don't ever leave them in over...
Diet Coke Might Have Zero Calories But It's Making You Mad, Apparently

Diet Coke is considered a life saver to myself and - I predict - much of the employed population. The can't-quite-describe-it-tasting dark stuff fills the void made by the absence...
There's A Real-life Wine Therapy Spa And We've Already Packed Our Bags

When you ask a woman what is most precious to her in the world, she will answer with two things: wine first, and spa days second. We can't help it, they are what we love and cherish...
Pink Gave A Speech On Body Confidence And We're So Here For It

Remember last year when P!nk shocked the world with the news she was due to give birth at any time? Well, she did two weeks later and since then she's been trying to regain her...
Research Says Having A Hot Bath Could Burn As Many Calories As A Run

And today in reasons why we should never exercise ever again: researchers have said that having a bath might be just as effective on your health as going to a run. So get that...
The Japanese Adult Wrapping Trend Is As Terrifying As It Sounds

*Warning* those suffering with claustrophobia should proceed with caution, because this is the stuff of nightmares. We get it, the Japanese like to get innovative with their products...
'Healthier' Kit Kats Are Due To Hit The Shops And We Will Not Stand For It

First it was Creme Eggs, now it's Kit Kats. Yup, Nestle have pulled a Cadbury and changed up the recipe for our favourite four finger snack bar and we are (rightfully) livid....
Nauli Is The Freakiest Yoga Trick You'll Never Be Able To Master

In today's WTAF news we bring you the art of Nauli - a notoriously tricky yoga move that only the most nimble of yogis can master. To the non-yoga practising people among us the...
A Feminine Hygiene Brand Is Donating 200,000 Sanitary Products To Help Combat Period Poverty

Teenage girls are fashioning tampons out of socks and tissues because they can't afford proper sanitary products, it was found last week. In light of the so-called 'period poverty'...
Teenage Girls Are Making Make-shift Tampons Out Of Socks Because They Can't Afford To Buy Them

A shocking new discovery has revealed young girls are skipping school during their periods because they can't afford to buy sanitary products, forcing them to fashion make-shift...
This Woman's Smart Phone Burned Her Boob And It Should Be A Lesson To Us All

A mother-of-one is warning women everywhere to not keep their phones in their bras after her Samsung Galaxy S7 handset scarred her boob with a nasty-looking 'hot and seeping wound'...
You Can Now Clone Your Own Vagina Because It's 2017 And This Is The Kinda Body Confidence We Live For

You may consider yourself a body-confident, sassy, babin' empowered female but erm, have you even cloned your lady garden though? Yep, setting your vagina in silicone and framing...
Can You Really Learn How To Be Happy? Apparently, You Can!

For some of us, happiness is found in the simplest of life’s pleasures: like watching Trolls for the 15th time, or eating a Creme egg without interruptions. But for others, ‘turn...
Can A Massage Help With Trauma? We Tried To Find Out

We all enjoy a good massage. It's relaxing and quite possibly the best way to spend your day off. But beyond its relaxation effects, can a massage help your mental wellbeing?...
8 Ways To Avoid Party Burnout So You Can Slay Your Social Calendar

We've all been there: it's party season and you've got 101 social engagements that you can't squirm your way out. The family want to see you as do your girl gangs when all you...